you don't like Dakota? What's wrong with him? He's on mock trial with me on the JV team, and I don't know him but he seems pretty cool. What's with you freshmen and disliking others for no reason. Likie your class I'm in, you all have your groups that dislike everyone else. There may be no things lke "the popular" or "the preps" but you all act like it. There's no reason why you shouldn't like anyone in our class... except like one person cuz he is semi-fat to fat and wears clothing that prob. takes him some time to fit into. He is gross and a jerk. But Dakota isn't gross! He's really cool, and I thought he was a junior when I met him. He has no facial hair or anything but he looks like it. :\
i wrote this really kool commment and then deleted it by accident. but here goes. me and dakota were kinda friends and he walked home with us and we hung out a couple of times. but this one night we were meeting this dude who was kinda like my bf for a while, he really wasnt, more like a j.o., dakota got all distant and standoffish and gross afterwards. he left the group and all that and it was really awkward. but anyway, hes still my dawg xcept for all his stds. anywho about ur eljay, im so sorry, the christmas spirit is sweeping me off my feet. do u have any requests or specifications, or should i just pour my creative juices all over everything? ps: do u like the style of my new layout, i could do it that way....or any other of the cajillion was to be pimped?
oh yeah who are u talking about in bio. only three people come to mind in the fat/semi-fat category and i dont really know any of them. hmmmmm
Ya know i got both messages in my email, well okay. So that's why you hate Dakota, and call him dirty? Yeah, well I've been feeling a bit better too, maybe not swept off my feet but Better. ^_^
Comments 6
When are you re-doing my Livejournal? ^_^
anywho about ur eljay, im so sorry, the christmas spirit is sweeping me off my feet. do u have any requests or specifications, or should i just pour my creative juices all over everything? ps: do u like the style of my new layout, i could do it that way....or any other of the cajillion was to be pimped?
oh yeah who are u talking about in bio. only three people come to mind in the fat/semi-fat category and i dont really know any of them. hmmmmm
Yeah, well I've been feeling a bit better too, maybe not swept off my feet but Better. ^_^
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