Spent all of last weekend up north near alenxandria with my friend Matt clearing brush in his undeveloped lake property... Had a good time, and the work was not overly difficult.
Even his daughter helped out :)
We'll be heading back up in a couple weeks to do more, and do some primitive camping as well... which should be fun, I haven't done primitive camping in ages.
Can't complain about the eye candy either
This weekend, I'll be running my Garou Ironrange LARP, always on the lookout for new players, 4th Saturday of the month, noon to 8. It's been an independent game, which allows me alot more freedom then if I were married to One World by Night, or the evil step sister, TGN...
Memorial day should also be fun, going to grill out at Basset Creek Park with friends... should be a nice casual time with good food and friends. All are welcomed if they wanna show up... ask for details.
Whoot! I posted something!