Violence is empowering and thrilling. Adrenaline makes you feel like a king, a god, and the poor bastard lying on the ground in his own red is now your peon. It is the truest proof that you deserve and can get anything you feel like taking.
Violence is debilitating and degrading. Losing a fight proves you'll always be the low dog, and lucky to keep whatever nobody else feels like taking. Even the winners know that losing is inevitable-- you'll never get that tooth back, or stretch out without feeling your old hurts twinge. You're never more than one beating away from death.
Comments 2
Violence is debilitating and degrading. Losing a fight proves you'll always be the low dog, and lucky to keep whatever nobody else feels like taking. Even the winners know that losing is inevitable-- you'll never get that tooth back, or stretch out without feeling your old hurts twinge. You're never more than one beating away from death.
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