That's very insightful. But I kind of dont' know what your talkign about and I kind of do, then agian maybe my eyes are closed to the world around me. Most people know things about there surroundings because the choose to see them. I am one those fools who doens't really see the bigger picture as a whole. I know that has nothign to do with what your talkign about but it's just somethign that I've noticed over the years, I tryed calling you over the weekend and got your voice mail, get on aim dude we can talk about this and of corse dick and fart jokes...
yeah, but I think I have something there with my eyes being closed to the world around me, I guess you only see what you allow yourself to see. I guess the healty thing would be to open our eyes and trueuly see what is in front of us and then play it by ear form there
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