Pictures by
braincake, text by
buddharivet On this Sunday past, a drive was taken in quest for the Brentwood Circle K market, one of the 10 Coolest Places On Earth (tm). Alas, said market, with its walls covered with animal heads dressed up like 1960's beehived beauty shop patrons and the "somebody came in the front door" bell replaced with a trumpeting elephant call, is no longer there and has been replaced with a strip mall. A moment of silence was observed. However, much lovely scenery was photographed, cows were mocked, coffee was consumed and farm fresh fruit was procured. There was also a foray to the game store in Walnut Creek, where I was gifted with 1) a plush Black Death "gigantic microbe", 2) a new "Illuminati" set and 3) a "Gloom" card game set. The stuffed microbe has taken up residence on top of the rear view mirror of my car and the "Illuminati" set was used to thoroughly trounce my beloved, whom, it should be noted, rolled for shit the entire game.
My idea of lovely scenery...
Show us your udders!
The largest windfarm in the United States (well, part of it anyhoo).
Gigantic Stuffed Black Death Bacterium.
The instrument of trounce-age.
What strawberries look like when you buy them from the lady who just picked them. Yuuummmmm!