Copied without permission from JB

May 24, 2005 16:02

Time started: 4:03pm
Full Name: Christopher Philip St. John.
Nicknames: (coach)budka
Single or Taken: taken
Sex: male
Birthday: may 16, 1980
Sign: don't remember, don't care. The stars say you will fall into an open manhole.
Siblings: 2 brothers
Eye colour: blue
Shoe size: 10. I should know, I just went bowling. :)
Height: just under 6'0"
What are you wearing right now: My watch. Oh, and clothes.
Where do you live: Cubeville. It's a little-known suburb of Toronto.
Righty or lefty: Righty
Any pets: Hopefully a cat in the future.
Do you have a bf or gf? I have a pookie! (please don't barf.)
Did you send this to your crush? If my crush reads my LJ, then yes. ;)
--Fashion Stuff --
Where is your fav place to shop: Ha. Shopping.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Have I been poked by sharp things? And paid for it to happen? No. Wait, that's not true, I was at the dentist a few weeks ago ...
Favourite kind of pants: tear-away warmup pants. Ventilated!
Colour: Neon black
Number: e
Boys Name: Ezekiel
Girls Name: Ezeki...lina.
Subject in school: y = a(x-p)^2 + q
Animal: Kitties!
Drink: Probably a caesar
Fast-Food Place: Wendy's
Month: no favourite
Band: Hot hot heat
Movie: The Incredibles, The Truman Show
Juice: Grape
Finger: index. Useful for pointing, and gesturing "come here".
Breakfast: Triple berry Oatmeal Crisp
Cologne: *clears throat* Yeah ... um ...
Perfume: none
cartoon character: Bugs Bunny. "Are you in, genius? Hmm. In, capable? In, describable?"

-----------------Have you ever -------------------
Given anyone a bath: no
Bungee jumped: not yet!
Made yourself throw-up: not on purpose
skinny dipping: no
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: actually no. I imagine them as having big ornate fountains and just generally being great places to be. That's why the girls always want to go in groups.
Eaten a dog biscuit: nope
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: hehe, no, but I've thought about it
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yea
Broken a bone: nope, I'm a beast
Played truth or dare: truthfully? no.
Been in a physical fight: yes (kicked ass, too. Mind, the guy was like 4 years younger than me.)
Been in a police car: nope
Been on a plane: yes
Close to dying: turned a car over after hitting a deer ... scary!
Been in a sauna: yes. I don't really like them, though.
Been in a hot tub: bubbly!
Fallen asleep in school: Who hasn't. Usually I tried to restrict it to a huge auditorium lecture though.
Ran away? no
Broken someone's heart: maybe. I've been treated as if I have, so .. possibly.
Cried when someone died: no
Flashed someone: ha! no.
Fell off your chair: Sort of. Jumping up for something out of the fridge after watching football for a few hours without moving is NOT a good idea. Brains need oxygen.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: I wait for Britney Spears to return my call every night
Saved MSN conversations: I think it does it automatically, no?
Saved emails: not in general.
Made out with JUST a friend: no
Used someone: yea
Cheated on someone: no
-----------First thing that comes to mind------------
Red: Wings
Blue: bonnet
Autumn: trees
Cow: splotchy
Greenland: large ice cubes
--------------What is?--------
Your good luck charm: Psh. When you're this good, you don't NEED luck.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Wow, there've been some stupid ones ... the only one I can think of right now is that I forgot which way the door opened at work and slammed my face into it. It has a glass window and someone on the other side saw me. Aw.
What's your room like: A test site for a nuclear blast.
last thing you said: "Psh." I said that part out loud as I was filling out the luck question.
What is beside you?: Various office stuff. Boring, really.
Last thing you ate: An apple
What kind of shampoo do you use? Uh, it's in a blue bottle, um.
Something that has happened to you this year? I had a birthday. Ahh, that happens every year. Well, most years, anyway. Wow, I think this year is entirely unremarkable thus far.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: See above.

------------------Have you ever had----------------
Chicken pox: yes
Sore Throat: yes
Stitches: no!
believe in love at first sight: sure
Like picnics: they're pretty good, but require lots of preparation
school: I have had school, thanks for asking.
What schools have you gone to: Boring, boring, blah blah blah
Hate anyone: Some people really irritate me and I avoid them ... other than that, not really
---------------------Would you----------------------
Eat a live hamster for $1000? Not on your life.
Go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket: Not likely. I'd sell it.
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: a doctor. A pregnant girl, a real fat guy, a korean couple, a weird bald ex-cripple knife guy, an ex-rockstar, probably some other people
If you loved someone and you were keeping something that was going on from
them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them?: This question doesn't quite add up ... if I'm keeping it from them, then ... no. Obviously.
Do you admire guys/gurls: whatever.
What makes you laugh the most?: funny parts of funny books. But I hate it when I read it to people and they wouldn't get it anyway because they haven't read the rest of the book.
What makes you smile: Funny stuff. Also, the pookie. =)
Time finished: 4:55pm. Just in time.
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