Hey, everybody!
As promised, I finally got around to taking some "progress" pictures, so that I can keep track of how I'm doing with my new eating/exercise regimen. I tried to make them as cute as possible, but you've been warned: HIPS. My feet are shrinking, yet my earth-mother hips are staying put. Feh.
(But also, yay! My pants are getting crazy-big in the waist, I'm stepping out of my shoes when I walk, and I've been having to re-buy undergarments like mad. This is good, yes?)
I borrowed Ramsey's bathroom for the first set, since he has a way bigger mirror in there than I have. And yep, those are my pajamas, but in my defense I *was* rocking the cutest ponytail ever that day. Bonus points!
Front view:
Side view:
And a feature I hope to be able to continue for ages: "Three Things I Can Now Wear"!
ONE: The super-cute men's hoodie that I bought last winter. What was once straight-cut and unforgiving in my hip area can now be zipped up comfortably. I wear this thing damn near every day now.
[P.S. Sorry for the mirror-smudginess for the next two, btw--my glass cleaner apparently sucks.]
TWO: My fabulous "Skullcrusher Mountain" t-shirt that I've been hanging onto for ages! Sorry for the non-flipped pic, but: laziness. You can see a more readable and fancy pic of it
(What...you have not heard Jonathan Coulton's amazing song
"Skullcrusher Mountain"?! GET ON IT. No excuses! Scroll down to the "Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow" section on
this page and give that man your dollar.)
THREE: Gray/black/white flowered wrap-dress. It's been hanging in the closet being adorable all summer, but now it totally fits.
Man. Trying on crap will definitely make you all red-faced and sweaty. Perfect for pictures! :)
And a silly one as a bonus, since I did not take my usual and beloved Obligatory Scrunchy Face picture this time:
Disembodied monster hands! Ooh. They are so scary!