que pasa? i really really like this, however i just realized how long this entry is. wow. when you write, you really like to write. anyways. i feel like it's been ages since we really talked. and it probably has been. it seems like i don't even have days off anymore. this must change. i have much to talk about, so i promise we will talk soon. love ya~ Jon
so i totally forgot that you're in spain. it hadn't been discussed in a while so i was wondering. but cool. just give me a call when you get back. i have much i could talk about. later~
Message from a distant stranger._soulsurvivor_August 18 2006, 23:58:49 UTC
Hey, I know I haven't spoken to you in ages. And that considering all the drama before I left Buffalo, (which I am acting on the assumption you have heard about) I may very well no longer reside in your good graces. I still wonder how your doing, and how lifes been treating you. Well I hope to hear from you soon and that your doing well. God bless.
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