I spam because I can

Dec 28, 2006 17:59

You know the difference between you and me? I make buffbanded look good.

Which movie was this quote from?

Nobody does me like I do me. Oh the narcissism!

Last night I dreamed that I was taking 6 fluff courses at college during the summer, and one of those was Ancient Runes or English 1010, for a humanities credit. I attended it sporadically and only turned in a few of the assignments.

I ended up getting an A in every class except Ancient Runes, which was an incomplete.

Having an “I” was kinder to my 4.0 than receiving a B or a C, because it preserved the possibility of getting an A once I make up the missing work… But since I was taking Ancient Runes the summer of my last year -
    Unresolved, an incomplete turns into an F.
    Or I’d have to make up that class in order to graduate, along with taking courses simultaneously in med school.
And I don’t know where the transition was in the dream, but I logged onto eljay on a computer in the library and saw that bmystery had just done a friends cut because they were moving to a different blog to reflect their newer, more mature interests and couldn’t stand to have college kids with petty complaints on.

bmystery commented 3x to a post I made, addressing what I wrote, and also explaining why I was cut, which was nice
Except they addressed me,
”Buffbanded or bluffbanded,”
Bluff - banded? I’m full of lies and deceit?

And then I couldn’t decide whether I should delete all 3 comments, or just the last one. The latter is this is what I settled on, because I’m attention whore. Having more comments actually attracts more comments. Like there’s an inverted U-shaped, parabolic function if you plot “number of comments for a post” on the y-axis vs. “rate of accumulating comments” on the x.

* * *

So, apparently my subconscious doesn’t really deeply disguise the fact that I am obsessing about Harry Potter & eljay... And that a small part of me is super-anxious about procrastinating on 5 credit hours of incompletes that I need to resolve in January in order to graduate this May.

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment4.3%
You have one or two loyal pals on LJ... But you probably have better things to do with your time.22.59% MemeSheepage21.05%
Only trendy when it's sufficiently entertaining27.88% Original Content45.16%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them37.83% Psychodrama Quotient10.84%
Had a comment taken out of context once or twice16.73% Attention Whoring27.27%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you20.64%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up!

(By The Ferrett)

Sad but probably quite true.

meme, procrastination, dreams

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