I wrote this as a reply to
chavelaprincess’s entry about the same:
Filtering vs. defriending. Which do you prefer? I lean toward defriending, actually, which surprises me.
As much as I don’t like getting cut and haven’t yet cut anyone on my flist, defriending does have the benefit of being more direct and honest about how little you feel like you connect with them or take interest in what they do. Like if you never read another person’s entries anymore, it’s not as fair to them either, to think they have an equal, reciprocal relationship with you or that you care just because you’re supposedly there (but you’re really not and just regarding their stuff as spam).
RL filtering, unless someone’s given choice of whether they are or aren’t on the filter, potentially prevents them from reaching a level of trust or awesomeness where they would be put on the filter. You may never get to know a person if all you see of them is how they act in one context.
I doubt anyone on my flist would feel guilty about cutting me, but…
ganked from
Many people have a lot of friends on their list. Some they like, some they know in real life, some they never read, some they added in haste and feel too guilty to remove themselves. Well, worry no more. Today is a de-friending amnesty day. If you added me to your friends list and you never read what I write or don't like what I write or just don't want my often pointless and generalizing ramblings cluttering up your friends page any more, today is the day to defriend me. Do it. Go ahead, and don't feel bad about it. No worries. No grudges. That's what LiveJournal Amnesty Day is all about. Everyone has names on their friends list that they haven't the heart to get rid of because even though they're harmless, you just don't read what they write any more. Don't worry about it if I am that person on your list. Just remove me from your friends list and that will be that.