Valygar: I cannot understand it, Aerie. Why this magic ... why from you, of all people? You are too good and innocent to practice such things.
Aerie: But ... but it is who I am, it is how Quayle taught me.
Valygar: I know, I know, but ... magic corrupts. The very power of magic twists a mage’s soul a
little each day. There’s always one more spell to learn or cast. Before you know it you’ve spent your life in the library, having never seen the daylight, never truly lived. Believe me, I know this only too well.
Aerie: But that is how I was was in the circus when I was kept in a - a cage. It was horrible, Valygar, but Quayle came and healed me ... healed my sores where ... He healed where my wings came off ... He taught ... He taught me magic, and it freed me. It’s not spells that change people. Good people do good things.
Valygar: ... I hope you’re right, Aerie. For your sake and mine ...
Valygar: You know, Aerie ... I should confess something to you. You didn’t turn out at all like I expected you might.
Aerie: Ha ha! If I didn’t know you better, Valygar, I think I’d have to take that the wrong way!
Valygar: I suppose it didn’t come out quite like I meant it, did it? I’m sorry Aerie ... I only meant that all my warnings of your impending corruption by magic have been proven false. Fortunately.
Aerie: Oh, I don’t know, Valygar. This doesn’t mean that I’ll never be corrupted by my magic ... just not yet.
Valygar: You shouldn’t joke about such things, Aerie. Your heart is purer than I gave it credit for, and that gladdens me. But I’ve seen good, honest people turned to greed and hate by magic ... it’s a fate I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
Aerie: I ... didn’t mean to joke about that. I know about your past ... and I don’t think I could ever be like that. Magic is a power I can use to help people, and that’s all.
Valygar: That’s good to hear. Let’s hope it remains that way.
* TOB *
Anomen: Valygar, your step seems of particular weight this day? Perhaps it is your thoughts which burden you so?
Valygar: My thoughts are indeed dark ones, Anomen. They are also mine alone.
Anomen: It might benefit your heart and soul to speak of your troubles, my friend.
Valygar: How so, sir knight? Words cannot undo the past, and they cannot change the future. I prefer to let my actions speak for me.
Anomen: I merely sought to offer my wisdom and guidance, Valygar. As a member of the Order of the Radiant Heart, I am duty bound to try and ease the misery of all those who suffer.
Valygar: A noble cause, but I suggest you perform your duties elsewhere. I have learned to handle my suffering well enough on my own.
Anomen: As you wish, Valygar. I shall bother you no more - though I shall say a prayer to Helm that he may help you bear your burden.
Cernd: I’ve noticed, Valygar, that you are quite the adept fighter. I cannot help but compliment you on this.
Valygar: It’s nothing to be impressed by, old friend. Something learned after years in the scouts facing off against the wild dangers that nature and magic have thrown at me.
Cernd: Still, it is a skill that has served you well, no?
Valygar: It has served to keep me alive, Cernd, but otherwise it has not served me at all. I would rather be a man of peace and nature as yourself.
Cernd: Ah, but even I have been forced to fight on occasion. And had you not your skill with the sword, you would not have escaped the Cowled Wizards, would you?
Valygar: I suppose that’s true.
(After Lavok’s death)
Cernd: Valygar, this hatred that you hold inside you is truly unhealthy. It is akin to a rot in a tree trunk that will only weaken you at a time when you need to be strong.
Valygar: I’ll not let it be, Cernd. The wizard killed Suna in such an offhand fashion ... he cared not a spit for her life. Doesn’t he deserve to suffer for it?
Cernd: If your thoughts are only of vengeance, how can they be on the path ahead of us? There are more immediate dangers.
Valygar: Well I know it. And you have no need to worry ... I shall pay the closest attention to every step that brings me closer to that foul mage.
Cernd: We don’t know all there is to know about this, Valygar. We should not be so quick to jump to conclusions.
Valygar: He killed Suna! There is nothing else to know!
Cernd: Nothing? Like there was nothing else to know of Lavok? Your ancestor was not quite what you expected, was he?
Valygar: I ... damn you, druid, just leave me be!
* TOB *
Cernd: All this fighting, this conflict. Old enemies and new. Strange times, aren’t they, Valygar?
Valygar: I suppose. I don’t give it much thought.
Cernd: Really? Perhaps that is the difference in our duty to nature. You act and trust in your instincts, whereas I seem to spend many hours in contemplation.
Valygar: Hmm.
Cernd: Nothing to add?
Valygar: Not especially. This was your chat.
Cernd: Ah. Yes, I suppose it was, although I didn’t think it would provoke such indifference.
Valygar: Perhaps it requires more quiet contemplation.
Cernd: Ah, I see. Perhaps it does, at that.
Edwin: Valygar, you are aware that silence is the virtue of fools.
Valygar: Aim your words elsewhere, mage; I don’t know why you’ve targeted me, but I won’t take your bait today.
Edwin: As blushing may sometimes make a harlot seem a virtuous woman, so might refusal make an idiot seem a man of sense.
Valygar: It is as I have always thought; I can neither appreciate nor understand the mind of a mage, especially one so fond of his own voice.
Edwin: Your ignorance seems voluntary, woodwalker. Conversation is not the only vehicle of thought, it is a tremendous and efficient instrument in thinking.
Valygar: Then what’s your excuse for the steady stream of mindless pollution you call talking, Edwin?
Valygar: You remind me more and more as each day passes of what makes magic vile and evil, wizard.
Edwin: You would do well to be reminded of what makes magic powerful, fool. I’ve power enough to hold your life in my hands if I choose.
Valygar: Your words do not frighten me, Edwin. I could slice you to ribbons before the first incantation of your threat was carried out.
Edwin: Indeed? Your lack of fear for the arcane arts must explain, then, why you cowered before Lavok and the Cowled Wizards.
Valgyar: I cower before nothing! I merely showed caution before approaching Lavok ... someone possessing far more power than you!
Edwin: You call that caution? Quivering in a forest? Lavok could have dealt with you in a second, if he chose. And it would only take me a second longer.
Valygar: We shall see!
Valygar: What is that in your gaze, Edwin? You have something to say?
Edwin: It is nothing. I was just musing on the role of heritage in determining vocation.
Valygar: I see. It is your assumption that since my family tree has had many mages, I should have been one as well. Well, I defy that logic each and every day.
Edwin: And you certainly make a fine whatever-you-are, but it is a shame. Even your casual movements suggest some training as a child ...
Valygar: I am no mage! You ... you are mistaken in your observations.
Edwin: Yes. Yes, of course I am.
HaerDalis’: So this ancestor of yours, Lavok, he created such beasts as ghouls and skeletons and other wakened dead of that ilk?
Valygar: I did say that he was a necromancer, didn’t I? As I understand it, Lavok felt that tampering with the veil that separates life from death was his prerogative.
HaerDalis’: I see. I imagine your family must have been exposed to many such things over their time.
Valygar: The old family was, yes. They continued to practice Lavok’s magics long after he left, but my particular was not interested in such pursuits. They left in disgust, watching from afar as the old family crumbled over the years. And then my family inherited what little of Lavok’s fortune was left. That fortune ... brought us no end of grief, however. My family eventually took up his past time, as well, to my sorrow. I have no greater wish than to see such magic wiped from Faerun. What’s dead is dead, and that should be the end! Tampering with life goes against all reason!
HaerDalis’: Aye, hawk, aye. A truth has been spoken and it’s been spoken from your tongue.
HaerDalis’: Tell me, Valygar, your family was once rich and powerful, yes?
Valygar: Yes ... what is your point?
HaerDalis’: I am simply interested in the story of how they have fallen so far. Decayed, as it were, over the years until you are the last member of a small and decrepit estate.
Valygar: My family lost its wealth long before I inherited anything of it. And none of it interests me, anyway. I’d much rather spend my time in the wild.
HaerDalis’: And so the family will end completely, then. How very right and natural that is, then, a cycle having come to completion then. Hmm. Yes.
Valygar: I’m glad it amuses you. I, myself, have had to live through my family’s decline and would rather not discuss it as if it were a point of philosophy.
HaerDalis’: Perhaps I could ask you more about it? It would make a wonderful story, I think.
Valygar: Mind your own business.
Valygar: HaerDalis’! Must you insist on plucking away on that blasted instrument?
HaerDalis’: I must keep it in tune, good sir, lest I strike a sour note with my listeners.
Valygar: Every time you open your mouth you strike a sour note with me, bard.
HaerDalis’: A thrust of wit from the dark hawk’s rapier! I had not thought it in you, dear Valygar. Have you been practising your verbal exchanges with the trees. Alas they do not strike back.
Valygar: Cease your barking, bard and leave me alone.
HaerDalis’: ‘Bark’? ‘Leave’? Yet more jests building on my tree remark? Or just lucky puns, like wisdom tumbling from the lips of a fool?
Valygar: It took you long enough to grasp the root of my remarks.
HaerDalis’: Oh mercy, great punsman, I beg thee! Your life of solitude has done nothing to dull the stinging points of your stabbing words. I shall retire to a safe distance, and resume my plucking beyond your earshot.
Valygar: Thank you, HaerDalis’. That is all I asked in the first place.
Imoen: So, Valygar ... word on the street is that ya killed your parents. Is that true? Sounds pretty horrid, if ya ask me.
Valygar: You consider *this* acceptable casual conversation? Just walk up and ask someone if they killed their parents?
Imoen: Would you prefer to let the rumor mill have its way?
Valygar: I could care less what people have to say about me. People have talked about my family all my life.
Imoen: Well, that’s a pretty sour attitude. You know, they say your face freezes like that.
Valygar: For someone who supposedly has her soul tainted by the evil of a dead god, you remind me considerably of a chipmunk with a sugar high and a death wish.
Imoen: Oooh! Funny! That’s good!
Valygar: I try my best.
Jaheira: You scan the horizon as a hawk, Valygar, though with such an unnatural threat in your past I cannot say I blame you.
Valygar: Unnatural ... yes. I struggle to understand the differences in magic that have been presented to me. How do you feel about it, Jaheira? Are they not all cut of the same vile shroud?
Jaheira: Magic takes many forms, and only some dare circumvent the cycle of death. It is a power that draws from all things, and need not be feared simply for being.
Valygar: I suppose not, though there is ample to fear in those who wield it.
Jaheira: I find it surprising that we have so little to say to one another, Valygar.
Valygar: I have little to say to anyone, usually, and that is by my design.
Jaheira: I understand. Still, we share much as druid and ranger.
Valygar: Yes, we share misconceptions and stereotypes. You know as well as I that our outlooks differ fundamentally.
Jaheira: Perhaps. As a druid, any encroachment of civilization on the wild places is a loss to be mourned.
Valygar: I have seen communities destroyed because they did not fit the ‘balance’ of a marsh or woodland.
Jaheira: Destroyed?
Valygar: ‘Encouraged’ to relocate, but these are just different words for the same thing.
Jaheira: I’m sure it was a dire circumstance.
Valygar: Someone thought it was. Responsible use was apparently not an option. I bear you no ill-will, Jaheira, but druidic ‘big-picture balance’ can spawn very intimate hardships.
Jaheira: Well, we shall have to agree to disagree.
Valygar: As you see fit.
Jan Jansen
Jan: So Valygar, how do you like being a ranger?
Valygar: You are going to tell me another of your insipid stories, aren’t you?
Jan: Well if you’re asking, then yes. It happens that my Aunt Petunia is a ranger, don’t you know?
Valygar: No, I wasn’t aware that your aunt is a ranger. (sigh)
Jan: She had the standard followers: a hydra, a shadow dragon, and a solar. She had the dragon trained to roll over, play dead and fetch dwarves. She called him Blackie I believe. Loved to run and play and lie in the sun.
Valygar: Of course.
Jan: Long and far she’d roam, with Larry the Solar always at her side, fighting evil, mocking druids and the like.
Valygar: Mmm hmm.
Jan: Anyway, my point is that Petunia and Larry were out for a stroll in the woods. She was wearing her fruit armor at the time, which was the style at the time, you understand. Aunt Petunia always kept up with style.
Valygar: It goes without saying.
Jan: Larry had a nasty case of the plague ...
Valygar: Oh, is it that time now? I’m afraid I have to take point now. You know how (CHARNAME) is about keeping on schedule.
Jan: Very well. We’ll continue this story at the next opportunity.
Valygar: I can’t wait.
Jan: Hmm. You know, all of this reminds me of my dear old mother. Did I ever tell you of my mother, Valygar?
Valygar: I’ve no interest in hearing of your mother, gnome. Or any mother, for that matter.
Jan: Oh, come now, surely it can’t all be that bad? Mothers are the most benevolent force in the world, caring for you and cradling you from birth until death. What could be wrong with a story about dear old mother?
(I could see Valygar’s outburst a mile away)
Valygar: Let me tell you a story, Jan, about MY mother. She fell to our family curse young, toying with magic, sinking half our family fortune into ancient texts and scrolls. She was obsessed with it. Even my father could barely drag her away from her studies. She practically ignored me from the day I was born.
Jan: Er ...
Valygar: She didn’t regret her neglect until after my father died. She became so anguished she reanimated him, and went insane trying to lavish attention on his zombie. Ultimately she entered undeath with him, and I was forced to destroy them both lest they do more harm. I was crying as I did so. So how is that, gnome? Is that the kind of story you were thinking of? Does it compare to the wonderful story of your mother?
Jan: Ah, no, no. I think that is quite sufficient, thank you.
Valygar: You look as though you have something to say to me, Jan. (sigh) You might as well say it ... the sooner we get this over with the better.
Jan: I was just thinking how much you remind me of my cousin Gabber. Ironic name his parents gave him, never said a word till the day he died. Caught a case of the Tethyr Tongue Gout from eating an unwashed turnip when he was a babe. Poor little Gabber’s tongue shrivelled up like an honest Amnian merchant’s purse. Turned him into the strong, silent type ... kind of like you, Valygar.
Valygar: There is nothing wrong with my tongue, gnome. I just choose not to tire it out with a constant stream of pointless stories.
Jan: My stories aren’t pointless! Now where was I? Oh, that’s right, Gabber. His tongue was nothing but a long, skinny piece of flesh by the time the disease was done with it. But Gabber was determined to learn to talk. He did tongue exercises and tongue stretches everyday, and his tongue kept getting longer and more nimble the more he worked with it. They say he was able to pick locks with his unusual appendage, though I have never had the privilege of witnessing that feat myself. By the time he was a young man he could flick that thing a full two feet in front of his face and make the tip twirl like a Calim veiled dancer. Too bad he came to such a tragic ending. Gabber wasn’t much of a looker, you know, and he couldn’t say a word with that freakishly long tongue of his. But for some inexplicable reason the ladies loved him. In the end, that was what did him in. Nomis Stormfingers, and extremely large and jealous village smith, found my cousin in a compromising position with Mrs. Stormfingers. Nomis reached inside Gabber’s tongue, yanked that long lingua out, looped it around his throat and strangled him with it. Lynched him with his own tongue, if you can believe it.
Valygar: I have no idea what you expect me to say after such a ridiculous story.
Jan: Of course not! That’s why you remind me so much of Gabber - you’re both tongue tied.
Valygar: *groan* Excuse me, Jan I have to ... uh, I need to ... I just have to go far away from you now.
Keldorn: I must say, Valygar, that I have watched you fight and have found you to be a most extraordinary warrior. How is it that you have not pursued something more important with your life?
Valygar: More important? What do you mean?
Keldorn: More important ... such as joining one of the Royal Orders. Or perhaps earning a career in the military. Serving your lord or your god, as it were.
Valygar: I was in the army, once, as a scout. It wasn’t for me.
Keldorn: What about serving your god, then?
Valygar: But I have no god, paladin. Whom would I serve?
Keldorn: You have no god?! Do you speak truly? How could one live a life devoid of such faith?!
Valygar: I live it according to my heart. I defend the natural against the unnatural, and that is important enough for me.
Keldorn: Well spoken, Valygar. You’re a good man, if godless. I meant no offense.
Valygar: None taken, Keldorn. Were that all people were of as true of purpose as yourself.
Keldorn: I understand that congratulations are due to you, Valygar.
Valygar: Congratulations? What for?
Keldorn: You have fulfilled your family’s oath. A vow lived up to is a rare thing, my friend. Even rarer a vow that stretches back 500 years.
Valygar: Yes ... I see. My family’s vow to kill Lavok. It ... does not feel as I think it should.
Keldorn: How so? Your family would be proud of you.
Valgyar: Would they? I doubt most of my family would even remember the oath? And I am sure none of them knew Lavok.
Keldorn: It hardly matters, I think. The necromancer was evil, and even if he regretted his evil in the end, he still had to accept penance.
Valygar: I am not so sure, Keldorn. What disturbs me is my readiness to believe him as some kind of absolute evil. Things are not quite so black and white, I think.
Keldorn: Perhaps you are right, Valygar.
Valygar: You’re a man of the church, Keldorn. How you stay so calm amidst such a constant display of magic in this group? I feel most unsettled at the sight of it.
Keldorn: Hm ... I know it has not been the case in your experience but not all magic is there to serve the darker gods or circumvent the good.
Valygar: I find it hard to believe that anything tainted with the scent of lichdom or Lavok’s necromancy can lead to anything good.
Keldorn: But don’t we extend life, and even return the dead to living with faithful incantations? Magic, god-borne or otherwise, is a tool. The user alone must be judged.
Keldorn: Valygar, I have no wish to offend you, but I can remain silent no longer. You are a great warrior and a defender of what is moral and right ...
Valygar: Why should that offend me, Keldorn?
Keldorn: I think you jest, Valygar ... though with you I am never sure. Of course those words will not give offense. But these may: I have once again been pondering your atheistic beliefs.
Valygar: Keldorn, do not waste your breath trying to convert this heathen. I respect what you stand for, but I have no need of a God to serve ... even one as worthy as Helm.
Keldorn: So you say, but your actions say otherwise. You defend righteousness and justice as nobly as any knight of the order. Perhaps you serve the will of Helm despite your protests to the contrary.
Valygar: I will take your words as a compliment, Keldorn ... and not as a high handed condemnation of my own beliefs. I you find comfort believing that I unwittingly serve the will of Helm, I shall not object.
Keldorn: And since you take comfort denying you serve - though your actions say otherwise - I shall no longer let it bother me, friend. I am glad we had this discussion.
Valygar: As am I, Keldorn. As am I.
Korgan: Valygar! Ye indeed be a dervish! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear there were a dwarf hiding in the woodpile nine months before yer mam birthed ye!
Valygar: Thank you for the compliments, dwarf.
Korgan: Ach, I be wonderin’ if I might talk to ye, Valygar. Just to pass the time, ye know.
Valygar: I doubt we have much in common to talk about, dwarf.
Korgan: Ye might be surprised, ranger. I understand ye killed yer family - we have that much in common. Aye, that we do.
Valygar: You ... were also forced by circumstances to spill the blood of your kin?
Korgan: ‘Twas inevitable. When my father died there was barely enough inheritance to go around fer me and my three brothers. I had to protect my future, ye understand.
Valygar: We have nothing in common, you vile murderer! When I killed my mother it was to cleanse the world of her evil necromancy, not for selfish personal gain!
Korgan: Killing is killing, and dead is dead, my lanky friend. Ye can sugar coat it all ye want, but when we go to our family reunions we both stand alone, aye?
Valygar: I did what I had to do, Korgan. No more, no less. But you ... you are an animal! You kill for pleasure. It is a sickness on your soul, and I want no part of it. Speak to me no more.
Korgan: Hhmph - fine, ye prissy. I’ll leave ye alone. But when the fightin’ start ye’ll be glad Korgan and his ‘sickness’ are by yer side splittin’ the skulls of yer enemies!
Mazzy: Goodman, Valygar! I tire. When we stop to rest, would you please prepare my bedroll and fetch extra wood for the fire. There seems to be a chill in the air.
Valygar: Uhm ... as the lady wishes.
Mazzy: My equipment needs a measure of cleaning as well. If you are through with your own preparations, would you see to this?
Valygar: Mazzy, I have honored your requests as any gentleman would, but this is too much.
Mazzy: I did not intend to burden. Indeed, I thought the role would flatter. Every knight needs a squire; I had hoped you would be honored.
Valygar: Well, I suppose I am in way, but I wasn’t aware that I had been chosen.
Mazzy: Perhaps I should have made a formal request, but ... I am new to this as well ... There is none other fit to my squire. You are a gentleman ... a friend.
Valygar: It’s not that I’m not flattered, Mazzy, but it’s just that ...
Mazzy: Have I erred? Just what?
Valygar: Ahhh ... nothing. Nothing at all ....
Mazzy: Oh, Valygar! You’ve been wounded!
Valygar: Tis but a flesh wound, mistress Mazzy.
Mazzy: To the contrary, it is a serious wound indeed. We must attend to it immediately.
Valygar: You are very kind, Mazzy.
Mazzy: Truly, I should never have allowed you into harm’s way. Worry not, friend Valygar, we shall have you healed in no time.
Valygar: I am flattered by your concern and I thank you. We shall watch over each, for that is truly the task of friends.
Mazzy: I am honorbound to protect you, Squire Valygar. I will not be derelict in that duty again.
Mazzy: I have been thinking, squire Valygar. Once this is over, perhaps Waterdeep would be a good place for us to travel.
Valygar: (sigh) I am not your squire, Valygar.
Mazzy: I’ve heard many fine things about the city, and I would like to see it at least once. We can stop at Dragonspear on the way.
Valygar: Why would you want to go to Waterdeep? It’s a crowded, dirty place filled to the walls with humanity. I can’t think of anything less appealing.
Mazzy: Well, have you even been there?
Valygar: Well, no, but -
Mazzy: Then there’s no harm in seeing it at least once, is there?
Valygar: I’ve no intention of setting foot inside the place, Mazzy. And I’ve given no thought to where I’ll go when this is done.
Mazzy: But ... that’s not how a squire should talk ... not to a real knight ...
Valygar: Mazzy, I (sigh) ... Very well, if you wish to go to Waterdeep then I will accompany you part of the way ... though I would prefer to travel to Neverwinter.
Mazzy: A fair trade! Thank ... thank you, Valygar. I am lucky to have your aid.
Valygar: Mazzy? You and I are close friends, right? So, I ... hope you won’t take this question the wrong way ...
Mazzy: Hmm. To begin with a warning can’t be good ... but I trust you, Valygar. Ask your question.
Valygar: I’ve seen how you launch yourself into battle. Headlong, heedless of the danger and putting all others before your own safety. It’s commendable, Mazzy, of course, but ...
Mazzy: But what? I should think the actions you describe to be commendable.
Valygar: They are, they are. Heroic even. But it strikes me sometimes that you are ... overcompensating, a little? That you are a little embarrassed ... even, to be a halfling.
Mazzy: What? How ... how *dare* you -
Valygar: You know me, Mazzy. I don’t say things idly. But if you say it is none of my business, I’ll mention it no more.
Mazzy: There ... *may* be some merit to what you say, Valygar. It has not always been easy to travel in human lands as I am. There are so many preconceptions of my kind. I find it all very offensive.
Valygar: And I just wanted to say that you are the most valiant knight I have ever known, human or otherwise. I think it’s important that you know that.
Mazzy: Words like that mean ... much coming from one I respect. Thank you, Valygar. But ... let’s move on before the others wonder what has happened to us.
Valygar: Minsc ... something about you concerns me ...
Minsc: What is this? I am not hurt. Boo is not hurt. What is there to be concerned about?
Valygar: I find it odd that someone who fights so well is not entirely in possession of his senses.
Minsc: I have all the senses needed to put evil in its place, plus the added Boo’s keen hamster eyes. What else is necessary?
Valygar: Have you ... considered seeing a priest, Minsc? Someone who might try to heal your ... uh ... head wound?
Minsc: I have been seen by the best and by the worst, and all have learned that Minsc is Minsc is Minsc. I do good things for those that need them; why is there a problem? Enough, Boo tires of this debate. It is old and stale and pointless.
Valygar: I wonder, Nalia. Why is it that you struggle to be so different from what your family asks of you?
Nalia: I am uncomfortable with their wealth, Valygar. There are so many who live in squalor, and yet we are supposed to hoist ourselves above them because we are nobles?
Valygar: You cannot solve all problems with wealth, Nalia.
Nalia: Tell that to a starving peasant.
Valygar: I do not think that they are as unhappy as all that, really. Was your father a cruel man, then?
Nalia: Well, no ... of course not. But that has -
Valygar: My family was afflicted by our curse; I knew little of affection or care. I would have given up all wealth for the sane, loving parent your father was.
Nalia: I ... I suppose ...
Valygar: Believe it, Nalia. One day it will truly be too late.
Nalia: I can feel your steely gaze upon my neck, Valygar. Does my presence still anger you so much?
Valygar: I would be lying if I said that I was not wary around you, Nalia. You have become far greater in the arcane arts than all but a handful of mages who have walked the Realms.
Nalia: I thought you had learned to set your unfounded prejudices against mages aside, Valygar. I am sorry to see I was wrong.
Valygar: I have learned to accept that magic may used for both evil and good, Nalia. But I have not forsaken my belief that such power can corrupt if a mage is not constantly on guard.
Nalia: I know who and what I am, Valygar. Magic cannot change that. And I refuse to spend my life ‘constantly on guard’ against this corruption you feel is so inevitable.
Valygar: That is why I am wary. I must maintain a vigil against the corruption that you refuse to acknowledge as even possible.
Nalia: And if you see signs of this corruption in me? What then, Valygar?
Valygar: We must both pray that it never comes to that. I will leave you be, Nalia. But my eyes are ever watching.
Sarevok: Valygar, you have not yet condemned my presence. Is not my very existence here an affront to you?
Valygar: Nay, Sarevok ... I am not troubled by your presence. Should I be?
Sarevok: I am no longer part of the natural order. I was resurrected with powerful magics, which you so obviously despise. My ... unnatural ... existence does not repel you? You do not see me as an abomination?
Valygar: I see you as a warrior, Sarevok. You may have a cruel and violent streak, but you are not alone in that fault. You do not use foul magic; you wield true steel as I do. We are brothers in arms, Sarevok.
Sarevok: That ... is true. Your words surprise me, Valygar. But I thank you for them.
Valygar: What a beautiful day. And what makes it even better is that I am truly a free man.
Viconia: So joyful, ranger? You find some happiness, perhaps, from the slaughter of a relative?
Valygar: I find some pleasure in being able to walk freely, drow.
Viconia: Ah. I thought perhaps it was the murder of your uncle ... or whatever he was. We have similarities in drow culture for such a thing.
Valygar: I’ll not be baited by you, Viconia. I have no pleasant thoughts about Lavok’s death.
Viconia: Indeed? You seemed eager enough before. Perhaps he was not as evil as you thought, hm? Perhaps he should have had ‘evil’ written across his chest?
Valygar: I ... I still know evil when I see it, Viconia. I am just ... just ...
Viconia: Oh, well then by all means, do point it out to me when you see it next. I would love to hear your interpretation.
Valygar: Enough! I see it well enough in you, drow! Begone!
Viconia: Valygar, do you realize that you have twigs in your hair? Dirt under your fingernails and mud on your boots? You’re a filthy mess. Mmmmm, how can I be discreet? Take a bath.
Valygar: And your point, Viconia? We’re all filthy. We’re all unwashed and tired and hungry. Shut up and tell someone who cares.