Title: Living in Dreams (Darker Version) or Living in Dreams (Lighter Version) Author: Lisa Status: Completed One-Shot Rating: R Fandom: BtVS/The Bishop: Special Crimes Unit Series Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Buffy Summers, Noah Bishop Genre: Violence/Crime/Paranormal Summary: Dreaming of the mythical baddies trying to end the world was normal
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Title: and every breath we drew was (hallelujah) Rating: Hard R Pairing: Buffy/Angel Summary:I did my best, it wasn't much/I couldn't feel so I learned to touch/I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you. Angel, Buffy, and reunion. Happy endings don't come easy. Sometimes they don't come at all. Six times our star-cross'd lovers never made it
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Title: Death Becomes Him Author: Lisa Status: Completed Double Drabble (200 words) Rating: PG-16 Fandom: BtVS/SPN Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Buffy Summers/Dean Winchester Genre: Angst/Violence Summary: She was bright and his eyes squinted in protest. Challenge: Table #2 = Darkness. Prompt #03 - Sometimes I wanna destroy. Written for Would
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