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May 13, 2006 00:11

1) Weapon of choice: Stake, Cross, Holy Water, Spell, gun, or something you’ve made yourself?
I'd prefer a sword.
2) If you were in the Buffyverse, would your name be something usual and common, or something rare and unusual?
Something inbetween if it's possible, if not then lean towards the latter. It would be something that has a nice ring to it.
3) If one of your friends was in a fight, would you be the first one by their side, would you arrive seconds later, concaucting a spell to create some serious carnage, or would you be the last one to arrive, having heard about the trial, and show up with a mafia-sized group of people to aid your friend and really raise hell?
First one there in a heart beat.
4) Skirts, jeans, dockers, or Camo’s?
Jeans. Easier to kick some ass move around in.
5) For a present, would you be drooling over a new set of Stakes, A NICE (3,000 $) sound system, A new Dingoes T-shirt, or that spiffy new dress at Macy’s?
Who wouldn't want a sound system?
6) Which one is your favorite guy: Giles, Angel, Spike, Riley or Oz? (Please try to choose one, it would make your answer more accurate, but if you REALLY can’t choose, just pick one you can relate with).
Angel. Angelus was such a great villian He's got such a messed up, yet sexy life. Plus he's noble and all that great stuff. He wants to do the right thing, and tries to help even if others won't or have given up (e.g. Faith). He has the means to do some real damage, but he doesn't and he controls for hunger. I doubt pigs blood tastes all that great. Not when you can have human with great ease. And he is damn hot.
7) Do you prefer the Opening Theme by Nerf Herder or The Breeders?
Nerf Herder hands down.
8) What would you go to the Bronze for? Dancing, meeting someone, the band, or to sneak around back for some..’private business’, whether it be Slaying or..not?
Meeting somebody.
9) Revenge- Yay or Nay?
YAY Though I'd probably really want to do yay, the realist in me would say nay. Though any nay performances will probably be lack luster.
10) What word would you pick: Friendship, Duty, Life, Justice, Magick, Teaching, Thought?
Justice. Thought comes second.
11) If you could describe yourself in a quote, what would it be?
Either: "If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters... then all that matters is what we do. Cause that's all there is. What we do. Now. Today [...] All I want to do is help. I wanna help because people shouldn't suffer as they do. Because, if there isn't any bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world." or "Bottom line is, even if you see em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change. Not really. But it does." or "I see more than anybody realizes because nobody's watching me."....there are so many it's hard to choose. Sorry.

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