1) Weapon of choice: Stake, Cross, Holy Water, Spell, gun, or something you’ve made yourself? Spell please!
2) If you were in the Buffyverse, would your name be something usual and common, or something rare and unusual? usual and common
3) If one of your friends was in a fight, would you be the first one by their side, would you arrive seconds later, concaucting a spell to create some serious carnage, or would you be the last one to arrive, having heard about the trial, and show up with a mafia-sized group of people to aid your friend and really raise hell? I'd be the first one by my friend's side.
4) Skirts, jeans, dockers, or Camo’s? Jeans please
5) For a present, would you be drooling over a new set of Stakes, A NICE (3,000 $) sound system, A new Dingoes T-shirt, or that spiffy new dress at Macy’s? New dress at Macy's for sure
6) Which one is your favorite guy: Giles, Angel, Spike, Riley or Oz? (Please try to choose one, it would make your answer more accurate, but if you REALLY can’t choose, just pick one you can relate with) Angel's my hottie
7) Do you prefer the Opening Theme by Nerf Herder or The Breeders? Nerf Herder
8) What would you go to the Bronze for? Dancing, meeting someone, the band, or to sneak around back for some..’private business’, whether it be Slaying or..not? Dancing definitely! Love to dance
9) Revenge- Yay or Nay? Nay, too much effort
10) What word would you pick: Friendship, Duty, Life, Justice, Magick, Teaching, Thought? Friendship
11) If you could describe yourself in a quote, what would it be? "I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. " - Carl Sandburg