What keeps you interested in the Whedonverse?

Jul 20, 2011 18:58

I've been participating in the Jossverse fandom for a decade now. I rewatch the shows regularly while having written over a hundred drabbles, ficlets, and series for the 'verse. I've shipped everyone from the commonplace pairing, Angel/Buffy to randomly enough, Eve and Dawn in fanworks. I've written meta and essays on the characters. These shows ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

scarfman July 21 2011, 02:51:37 UTC

I think it's because Whedon set out to give us a strong, female cultural icon that was even a subversion of an existing cultural icon (the blonde bit part in the horror movie). With all the character's intentional flaws and al the show's unintentional flaws, I think he succeeded.


fenderlove July 21 2011, 03:06:02 UTC
You know, after years and years, I can no longer ignore the show's flaws as I once did. I have found I vehemently disagree with the images and messages that the writers and showrunners claim the show stands for, and these feelings grew stronger when the DH S8 comics came out to display exactly what Whedon feels about his audience, but the friends I have made offline and online, a few of the characters, and fandom at large keep me here. I cannot even watch episodes of BtVS anymore, but I can watch some of Ats and read some of the IDW comics. Honestly, if it wasn't for fanart and fanfiction, I wouldn't have any love left in my heart for either show.


staringiscaring July 21 2011, 03:26:12 UTC
I've heard that about the comics but I've never read them. That's too bad. :(


fenderlove July 21 2011, 03:49:35 UTC
Well, my problems with the show started long before the comics, but the comics didn't do it any favors. I just try to laugh about it and forget about how much I find fault with something that used to bring me joy.


staringiscaring July 21 2011, 03:57:00 UTC
I still enjoy it beyond my utter disappointment with season seven but I can sympathize. I used to be a fan of the Anita Blake series in the first few books.


angelus2hot July 21 2011, 13:25:50 UTC
I still love the BtVS, AtS(and even Firefly) I rewatch them often(just finished a rewatch a couple of months ago ( ... )


cdaae July 21 2011, 15:37:50 UTC
I agree with this comment (including not having bothered with the comics because I don't emotionally regard them as canon). For me it's about the connection I've built with the characters, and the fact that it's stayed so strong is a testament to how great they are. I also think the shows have done an excellent job of looking at a wide range of emotions and situations.

There's also an element of nostalgia for me in things like early Buffy episodes, of course. Watching early Buffy, for me, is a bit like curling up in a nice warm duvet with a tub of ice cream.


iamfitz July 21 2011, 15:34:20 UTC
I don't write or read fan fic. I don't "ship" anyone. In that way, I guess I'm not part of "fandom ( ... )


sl_podcast July 23 2011, 18:47:33 UTC
For me the reason isn't one person (though I do love Joss for being so clever) or one show. It's about a collective whole - everyone from the actors to the costume people put a lot of heart into these tiny little TV shows (and movie and webseries and web comics ( ... )


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