In no particular order :
1. Setting: BtVS season 7, during Touched
Pairing: (Oddly enough) Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG
For the prompt Paradox
When the clock in the hall strikes two, she whimpers like a child and stirs, almost waking.
He strokes her hair, murmurs soothing words - at least he hopes they're soothing, not like he knows what he's doing, is it? - and her face softens. She breathes a warm, sighing breath and melts against him, asleep again.
He can't stop thinking if he hadn't done…that -if he hadn't stepped over that line in the sand, he wouldn't be here now- wouldn't have this moment, worth more than his whole sorry life.
But he'd give anything to take that step back.
shapinglight 2. Closure
Title: Closure
il_mio_capitanoEra: BtVS Season 2.
Characters: Giles, OC
"What I said before wasn't true."
The detective put down his witness statements and gave the suspect his full attention. He had reports of sightings of a struggle at the school, and the neighbours gave descriptions of a younger man carrying a large object and gaining access, but now the boyfriend wanted to confess something. Maybe he could close the case, go home to his wife and not think of the beautiful woman with the broken neck.
"What do you need to tell me, Rupert?"
"I said before I hadn’t touched her."
The detective waited.
"But I closed her eyes." 3. Author:
lilachigh Title: The mills of God....
The memories of bitter loss were as clear today as always: they never left him. He woke every morning with the feel of her hand on his forehead, her kiss on his cheek, her voice warm with love. But always the underlying thread of caution, of fear. He sometimes wondered with pain what his life would have been like if she’d been a different woman, if he hadn’t been consumed by burning anger for so many years. But as Robin nailed the last cross on the wall, he remembered the old saying, “Don’t get mad, get even.” 4. The Erotic Writings Of A Former Watcher Prompt: Whine/Wine
Title: The Erotic Writings Of A Former Watcher
Prompt: Whine/Wine
Summary: Lydia has found a new past time.
Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love
He slipped the pins from the blond hair causing it to cascade across her bare shoulders.
William sighed with pleasure as a blush flowed across her skin.
His demon loved how her body reacted to his touch.
He had wasted too many years chasing the Slayer.
The vampire ran his rough tongue down her graceful neck.
She shivered as her vampire lover nipped his way down her body.
Swirling the red wine in her glass, Lydia sighed in pleasure.
Her life had changed when she found Live Journal.
Writing erotic vampire porn was much more satisfying than being a watcher.
kudagirl 5. Setting: The usual bonkers AU BtVS-verse
Pairing: Spike/Giles (or possibly Spike and Giles, it hardly matters)
Rating: G
Author's note: the preamble is at least three times as long as the actual fic. How embarrassing!
Tea Wars
"All right, Watcher, let's see what you got."
Buffy paused on the threshold. That didn't sound good.
"Enough talk. Choose your weapon," Giles growled.
"Noo!" Buffy barrelled across the room, knocking Spike down and pinning him to the rug. "Don't be a dumbass, Giles. You can't fight Spike. You're way too old. It's suicide."
There was a stunned silence. Then Giles said, "Botheration!"
Buffy looked Giles's way. There was spilt tea all over the table and Giles was splattered with soggy cookie. "Huh?"
Spike smirked. "Thanks for the assist, Slayer." He wolfed down his own crumbling cookie. "Nom. I win."