Went to the bama game saturday! (we lost but it was still a TON of fun.)
You know what is really amazing? How people can completly surprise you. It seems like whenever i label someone (which is so wrong) as someone that i could never be friends with. God completly changes my perspective and its just awsome. I am too judgmental of people, and i expect people to let me down.(thank-you jacob for helping me to realize that) I love each and everyone of you so much. This probably makes sense to no one but me. but i guess what i am trying to say is never underestimate what God can do in a friendship or who He can use to impact you.(Example) I had been praying for God to completly surround me with His love today, i would never have suspected that I would babysit two little boys i have never meet before (that i didnt even want to babysitt) and they would answer that prayer for me!
I love yall SO much. and all of you will NEVER know how much you mean to me!
*A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."
Your friends determine the direction and quality of your life.
"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."
God is starting something at Briarwood, you can be sure of it!