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Aug 09, 2005 21:07

So school is starting next week! That is so crazy to me.I just got my schedule

1. Bible 11 -T.Margene

2. Chemistry- D. Glass

3. Spanish 2- L. Self

4. Algebra 2- T. Farr

5. English 11- M. Garrison

6. Annual- S. Hudson

7. U.S. History- B. Crandall

So this summer has flown by. I've been on chior tour, Jh Ranch California with my dad, Myrtle Beach with my church, Ukraine for 2 weeks, the lake, babysatt, New York, in my first wreck, fainted for the first time, gone out of the country for the first time, planned my wedding list, cut my hair really short- regretted it, taken risks, grown closer to some amazing people, and so much more. Wow looking back its been a pretty wonderful summer. But now all that comes to an end- going back to school! I can't believe its happening. I think this is the first year I have truly stepped out completly in faith. I know I can't make it through this year without my best friend, and this is the first year i've really gone in thinking that way. A while back I had the decision to go to Ukraine on a mission trip or something else. And I choose to go to Ukraine because its where I felt God leading me- and now is where my disscision is going to become a reality. I have those two empty slots where there are so many uncertainties. Its scares me.But thats where I have to trust my best friend.  When you think about how many disscisions are coming our way now that we are growing up its crazy to think we could make all the right ones without help. I have no clue where i want to go to college, what i want to study, who i want to marry, what i want to be, or where I want to end up. And so I just have to give up. I just have to give up thinking I can handle all of this and hope, trust in the One that is stronger than me. That He knows my life and He is working all these tiny details into His story- His story that is better than I could ever ask mine to be. Even the ones that seem to be pointless. When I have my life over to Him nine years ago it really was giving over my life- its not mine anymore. And I am so thankful because there is no way I could handle it. I don't think I would be prepared for my future and to trust Him as much as I need to had it not been the trials, had He not been refining me. Even when I thought He forgot about me- He didn't.

Isaiah 63:9- In all their distress He too was distressed and the angels of His presence saved them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He liffted them up and carried them all the days of old.

Its so amazing how when you truly give your life over to Him- how you truly live. How ALL the former things are gone. How you are a completly changed person- and you NEVER are the same. Its not some fad, or some movement- its the Creator of the world turing your world upside down. And you can't walk away unmoved. Ya know probably before this summer I would have seen my car getting run into as such a stupid thing, and been like God how could you let this happen? but even seemingly pointless things like that. Happened for a reason. And my mom's wallent getting stolen, it was all part of God's plan. Now what kind of god can do that? Make all those little things, those impossitions, sins, trials work out for good? My God- my best friend. His fingerprints are on everything that comes into your life. Nothing happend without it first going by Him. He is amazing.  I pray for that for all of you.. that your not the same person you were last year or last week because He has got a hold of you and ruined your life. Haha yeah thats right....ruined your life. Like he has mine. : )

Psalm 66:10-12

For you O God; tested us;

You refined us like silver

You brought us into prision

and laid burdens on our backs.

You let men ride over our heads,

we went through fire and water,

but you brought us back to a place of abundance.

We got to do the most amazing thing this Sunday at my church. We got to walk around our new youth center, and pray for it. Then we went inside and saw what it was turning into. And got to write on the floor anything we wanted, our thoughts prayers, verses. I wrote that verse above. I love it.

Anyway I wanna hear how yall think you have changed this summer.
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