Well, my recent days and weeks have been jam packed. I have:
*taken a final exam for my integral course, wherein I discussed at length, in essay form, my veiws on Anglo-Saxon poetry, the changes in Crusading in the 12th century, why Saints Francis and Dominic were not heretics, and the Black Death
*gone to soccer trials for 2 days
*gone to introductory rowing lesson, and have next session out on the river at 530 am. Yes, that's in the morning. Before the sun is up. Way before.
*plotted further on my original story and wrote about 1500 words for my creative writing tutorial
*excitedly plotted further on my HP fanfic, and began a bit of writing.
*debated internally with self as to whether asking my tutor if I could write fanfiction for class would be appropriate. Decided probably not.
*had creative writing tutorial
*ordered books from the library, where I will be spending tomorrow researching Shakespeare
*watched several episodes of The Simpsons, including the one about Who Shot Mr Burns. I love Mr Burns. He, Sideshow Bob, and Groundskeeper Willy are my faves.
*gone to other sundry meetings and done routine things, like grocery shopping, that are not interesting enough to recall in detail. (That, and I don't remember it all)
Tomorrow, I have fencing lessons. So excited. I have always wanted to fence- it just seems like one of those things that could come in handy. You know, if you were ever challenged. To a duel. During the Renaissance. Ok, so maybe not so much with the real life application. (Am still excited.)
Also, must comment on my sadness at the loss of Christopher Reeves. I never watched much, if any of his stuff, but he was an inspiration as a person. He, Michael J. Fox, and Lance Armstrong are three people who I just look at and think, wow, would I be able to do that? I hope so.
One last thing, to any of you writer types out there (fanfic included, of course)- when you write a story, do you plot it all out and then write, or do you just come up with an idea and run with it?