Friends and memories...

Jan 19, 2004 15:46

dont know why but.... hehehehe......

wow my keyboard is dirty, need to clean it....

And now, following stevefarrell's lead and tell a lile about everyone on my friends list.... because well i have nothing better to do...
beachgurrl the LJ slacker. My cousin who i love, but shes an LJ slacker, try as she might she just never updates. but thats ok, i guess.... Update Meagan update!

brazor Fred, Mr. HTML, one day some day i will meet him. talked to him online for years 4 or 5 years, crazy. he is the web king, runs so nice and hosts my guestbook for me, and helps me with all my web needs, that is why we love fred. because hes just great, ::smooch::

brixtonskirt lastwaverocker spydher, This is my flying elf gurl Ariel. shes got some bad ass tats. helps moderate my community bkground_reqst, she is responcible for my having an LJ, she gave me her invite code about 2 years ago, while i have not really seen her in forever, i talk to her online, and see all her pics in her LJ. and she is the best flying elf gurl ever.

carpedi7 a beta buddy. likes to bowl. i believe she was the first person on my friends list to have a pin up toon icon, and thus started my icon obcession. and she too loves empire records :)

kymberly316 kymabel sat next to her in homeroom at ahs everyday - even though i was supposed to be sitting in the back as for some reason we always had to sit in ABC order and i always seem to have friends who are at the begining of the alphabet... and i am so not. Were friends, but we fight but its ok shes my kymabel.

kymnchkn Met her online. helped her with her LJ. Talked about charmed.

laprincesasara Sara who is still not back in Lou. She needs to come home. I have no one to talk to to at school. and not that i saw her often it was still nice to atleast have someone to bump into.... Come home Sara. Known her since our little Freshmad Summer Seminar at AHS - speaking of which i still owe her about $10 from said seminar... and a few more from some other years.... i was supposed to pay her back at graduation.... i am a slacker, i am sorry, maybe by the time we leave BU i will have paid her back...

littlexander another beta buddy. Taking exams and having issues with it, hugs to him, Fan Fic writer, BtVS fan, lotr fan, likes south park.

m_a_j beta buddy, and probably the person i am closest to LJ wise. Talk to her all the time, we have the same dysfuctional family issues, was nice enough to mail be her tape of the 90210 reunion when my dumb self missed it, hooked me on new shows - dead like me- and is a really great friend

maggieroofus fellow Louisvillian who i met on LJ in a community. Fellow icons addict. has an adorable step daughter. seems to be a really nice person

meggs4583 megan, like everyone else i know is having a pretty crappy year, HUGS sweetie oneday school will be no more, and maybe life will suck a little less. Went to AHS with me, and we became friends soph year in geometry, and were in advanced choir together, (god i miss that, and lots of other AHS stuff) went to disney world together (along with the rest of Adv Choir) senior year, and i believe we went on the same senior retreat. We used to eat lunch together every free period freshman year at BU, and now i hardly see her. talk to her online a lot though, bitching about ethics (thank god that class is over) and other evil classes that we have.

mrcrain Beta buddy, Crossover, talked to him a lot on MSN, havent talk to him in a while... need to.. wonder what hes up to???

oneill_riderz danielle my fellow community moderator, great with LJ codes, has boring weekends just as i do, met her through an LJ community, she just switched schols and really likes her new school. Figured out how to get her pictures to post yay! thinking of leaving LJ when her paid time runs out.... :( Great person, glad shes helping with my community

patesco violetfires Carrie aka Slavey my very first bronzey buddy. i have talked to her online forever. not sure she knows it, but my sheltered teenage eyes were opened a lot when we became online buddies, mainly just to all the shitty things people and family can do to you. Sometimes people are intentionally and unintenionally cruel. She has taught me a lot. Shes a great person, I love her to death :)

petrona beta buddy, mother to the most beautiful little boy named Xander ever. her, john and Xander send me a very nice xmas card :) Fellow btvs fan, lives in new jersey, leaves wonderful comments in my journal, great person love her :)

porphyriastar ms katie b. went to ahs, now at bellarmine, only seen her up there like once though. Never had a class with her. worked on a play or two together at ahs though. she added me to her friends list, i dont think she knew that she knew me at the time though, added her back, and now read her journal everyday :)

raggedyana expecting what i can only image will be a beautiful baby girl named Avery. All kinds of adorable icons of her oh so cute baby belly, and sooner than we realizes we will soon see all kinds of icons of Ms Avery.

scarletoharas Lesley, my cousin, love her to death, shes like a sister to me, knows me better than anyone (or really atleast as much as My sister does) i could write a book, but i wont. i will just leave it at that. and says shes loves Gone with the Wind, and oneday when her computer works better she will update more :)

stevefarrell is responcible for me doing this. Loves heather, getting ready to go back to uni, and not ready for it at all (i dont blame you, i wouldnt want to go either), said i was the holder of the best LJ name ever, which was a bad ass compliment, and a big amber fan

tenik dont know much about her, shes moving will have limited internet access, lives in new zealand (thats far from here..), fellow beta buddy, and member of ithink_icon, number 1 in fantasy angel, and a meme poster as well.

tralf2001 beta buddy, ithink_icon member/mod, likes harry potter, and btvs, and gilmore girls, and tuck everlasting, icons addict and a great person.

twistingflame met when she began using come of the icons that i had created, like my Seth icon (why you gotta waste my flava, damn!) Fellow Empire records fan, fandom whore, Icon addict, Harry Potter Fan, futurama fan as well.

ulgurl22 my cousin Emily, love her, new to the LJ world. big sport girl, U of L fan, and dispite all my enfluence she decided to go to SHA insted of AHS! :-P but i still love her. Not nearly the LJ slacker the Meagan is, she is getting pretty good about updating more... now if only she would get her friends into LJ, and she would have more to read other than mine Meagan and lesleys journals. She loves her new computer and the fact that she can watch TV on it, finally beat her dad in ping pong, and i will stop now, because like i said about lesley i could go on and on.

unknowing6 another cousin. the queen of LJ slackers! she never updates and never comments, but we had a conversation about this, and since she uses AOhelL and gets less than a 28 connection on a 56K modem one day she will update again because she hasnt updated since JULY, her husband updates but she doesnt.... bad Carol... j/j

xmunkiix Reyna, Saras cousin, went to AHS and now goes to BU too. I dont think i have ever seen her up there though, She too is an education major, so maybe i will run into her next year when i get into teacher ed, but who knows. She never added me to her LJ friends list, and maybe i should take that as a hint to something else, but im not so.. Shes a big Brittney and Avril fan, has a cute little puppy named Brittney, works at ups and the watch station in the mall.

daps, eirefaerie, eireschilde, paksenarrion2, tiggz, zukiraphaera didnt think i knew you well enough to say anything. leave a comment and tell me something about yourself, so i will be able to say look theres so in so they love pineapple...
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