AHAHAHAAA!!! Oh man that is GREAT. Actually, I thought about that at some point yesterday since it was the 4th and I read this in your other LJ entry. But then nothing happened. How scary would it be if this kid was right? I would laugh... and then die probably.
This is totally unrelated, but I had to tell you. I saw "Mona Lisa Smile" with my friend Kat today, and the movie was okay in general, but there was a character named Connie and she totally reminded me of you. She had short, black hair a lil curlyish and she was absurdly cute and sweet and totally looked like you. And it made me miss my Angerssssss! You need to come to NYC soooooon! That's all I have to say about that really, but I love ya and just wanted to tell you that. Heehee! G'nighty! *SQUISH*
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