Bleach ... Do we see a pattern here? XD

Sep 27, 2006 23:58


Aizen x1
Ichigo, Chad, and Ishida x1
Edorad x1
Urquiola x1
Grimmjaw x1
Il Forte x1
Di Roy x3
Luppi x1
Wonderweiss x1

1. If you're taking please comment and credit buildingonsand
2. No hot linking
3. Textless icons CAN be used as bases
4. Enjoy!

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

Credit: Icon #11 was made from a base by undeadmiko!

luppi, ishida, edorad, il forte, chad, ichigo, di roy, grimmjaw, bleach, wonderweiss, aizen, allankar, urquiola

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