On the [very rare] occasions when I am struck with the desire to make my own icons/headers/banners/what-have-ye, I often make use of lovely things provided by the following people:
brushes; textures; &c
bentosoundcdg_brushesdamniconsgraphic_slhow_iconicknald on dAlemonrocket @
lemonstudiomariarita @
italian_jewelsohgalorerefutedsoakedswimchick.nettwinkletwilightworship_elle @
3mused screencaps
In a Dreamlouk_mattdevlinTime & Space tutorials
noldo_iconsilmadris @
lilyrose_icons *This journal has been with me through several computers (& hard drives!). As far as I am aware, this is a complete list, but if you do see me using something of yours without credit, please let me know & I shall remedy it posthaste.