Title: Forward Momentum
Fandom: Vorkosiverse
Rating: PG. Very occasional swearing.
Length: 174, 639, in 17 chapters and an epilogue. (Sorry, folks.)
Disclaimer: The characters and settings are the property of Lois McMaster Bujold, borrowed for fun.
This Miles fanfic novel of manners is in canon to A Civil Campaign and Winterfair Gifts, but AU to Diplomatic Immunity.
Besides the devil making work for idle hands, and a runaway plot-bunny that most unnaturally mated with a New Year Resolution, it's mostly a result of upending LMB's creative rule of thumb about when in doubt making the worst possible thing happen. Suppose really good things started happening, and Miles was there to run with them ...
And it really is a novel of manners--those 175,000 words had to go somewhere. There is a great deal of conversation involved while not a lot happens--though somewhere deserving does get spectacularly invaded, I'm happy to say. But if you don't mind lengthy manners and quite fancy a surprising outbreak of galactic peace in the summer of 2804 ...
Forward Momentum