Piqué dans la page d'amis

Aug 28, 2005 23:21

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What rank would dark_romancia have in a giant robot army? 2nd
2) Would spock27 be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
3) Where did you first meet keneda999? internet
4) Does keneda999 drink? surement
5) Does giantwolf travel a lot? peut etre ?
6) What animal should alexleserveur be combined with? ouh la... un félin, genre puma ?
7) Is petiole in a relationship? je ne sais pas
8) One thing you can't stand about alexleserveur? ^^ pourquoi les questions space tombent sur lui ???
9) Are find_a_cure and dark_marsu married? pas à ma connaissance
10) What animal does _eiluned_ remind you of? une panthère noire
11) What is arakneo's favorite movie? euh... j'en sais rien. Un clip de Mylène Farmer ? :-D
12) Which of your friends should theorbe go out with? elle est déjà bien entourée
13) Do you think spock27 is hot? lol j'en sais rien, peut-être !
14) Is sweet_tentacle related to spectrale? non
15) Would find_a_cure go out with arakneo? non
16) What would seraphyde think of theorbe? qu'elle est vraiment très gentille
17) Do find_a_cure and alexleserveur go to the same school? ah peut-être vu qu'elle va à la fac de Lille, si je ne me trompe pas ?
18) Where was dark_romancia born? au Canada ?
19) Where was alexleserveur born? En France ? (genre dans le Nord)
20) How many monkeys could sweet_tentacle fight at once and win against? Une bonne douzaine
21) What is unflyingboy allergic to? quelques trucs apparemment, mais il faudrait que je relise ses posts
22) What is unflyingboy's favorite game? je ne sais pas
23) Does tsuki_kawaii know iloveyoukirk? non
24) What color should spectrale dye their hair? elle est très bien comme ça
25) Would audiax and satanic_dream look good together? non
26) What would ombre_de_lune give petiole for his/her birthday? un livre
27) Does giantwolf have a crush on giantwolf? lol s'il s'aime, c'set bien
28) Is divarre single? je ne crois pas
29) If _eiluned_ took over the world, who would be happy? je ne sais pas
30) If alexleserveur were hanging off a cliff, what would unflyingboy do? lui lancer une corde sans doute
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