Rebel // 65 [Action] forwarddated to evening

Jun 29, 2011 02:43

[Four days. Four days since her return, and Noel hasn't stepped foot outside of House 19. Frankly, she's a little terrified of what could happen, as paranoid as it sounded. ...then again, she probably had good reason for it, too. Murdering four and injuring dozens more doesn't come without its consequences, whether you could control it or not. ( Read more... )

!cecil, noel isn't an alcoholic, not dead, !sanji, !nami, !jin, !ian, !kurt wagner, !bruce banner, noel grow a pair plz, !elicia, !ragna, tabeteeeeeee, !knuckles, where's the dinner, !litchi, fuck you ragna, sob, !pascal, noel the hikikomori, you are the dinner, !edward elric, !giles

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Comments 521

mikangirl June 29 2011, 09:54:52 UTC
[Oh excellent she was looking for cheap entertainment

No okay, it's a relief to see Noel show her face. She just...didn't expect to see Noel barcrawling. Inasmuch as one can barcrawl in a town with only one bar. So Nami just..blinks as they walk into Good Spirits, until she catches sight of Ragna, too.


Well, that explains it.

She'll just be over here in the corner, guys.]


black_onslaught June 29 2011, 09:58:37 UTC
[Once Ragna steps in with Noel, he doesn't really notice Nami. He's busy wondering how the hell they ended up coming to Good Spirits of all places. He doesn't exactly show his face much here, so it's a little weird for him, is all. At this point, Noel has probably ended up in this place more than he has.

Whatever, he'll just go and take a seat and scan the place for familiar faces. Just wait for it. He's doing a terrible job at looking, and he doesn't particularly care for it.]


bullet_dance June 29 2011, 10:07:05 UTC
[Yeah!? Well... Noel's doing an even worse job of it. Funny, that, though she does take a moment to scan the room quickly before keeping her head down again and following Ragna. She's trying not to put a lot of attention on herself.

So she'll just sit next to Ragna, saying and doing... not much of anything.]


1/2 mikangirl June 29 2011, 10:07:52 UTC
[You people are pathetic. Man, she could be Yuber over in the corner here.]


oda_hates_me June 29 2011, 10:13:35 UTC
[Sanji isn't at the bar. B| Or outside. Or anywhere he'd run into Noel, incidentally. He's playing the hermit card for completely different reasons, and only ventures around to harass Ginko or keep the house stocked with food.

Today he is doing neither, so inside he stays. He has at least graduated from ass-sitting to kitchen-loitering, though. It makes him feel like he's not still moping.]


mikangirl June 29 2011, 10:17:05 UTC
[Whereas Nami has been living at the bar every night for a while, now. She's not moping either! 8D


Well, okay. But at least she's come home earlier than usual tonight, practically flinging open the front door with a ...cheerful smile. :| Not that he can see that from the kitchen, but.]


[Dragging someone in the door. B|]


bullet_dance June 29 2011, 10:25:24 UTC
[Not a word from her. ;; You can't blame her, right? It took a little convincing, but here she is. In the flesh. And with clothes this time.

...but no, really, it's kind of silly considering it being Sanji of all people, but she's scared. What will he say to her? What should she do?

But she trusts Nami. Mostly. And will stay behind her for this.]


1/2 oda_hates_me June 29 2011, 10:28:26 UTC
[... Moping buddy, why do you sound so deviously pleased with yourself?]


onebluebamf June 29 2011, 10:46:46 UTC
[When Kurt catches a familiar pair leaving the house, he leaves his comfortable perch on top of his house and 'ports in front of the two. He never claimed to be subtle.]

Noel! There you are. Feeling better yet?


bullet_dance June 29 2011, 10:50:36 UTC

...and maybe it's on account of her trying to be a little sneaky tonight, but that sudden BAMF is going to make her jump and nearly scream. THAT WAS SCARY, OKAY!?]

K-Kurt!? [...he asked you a question.]


black_onslaught June 29 2011, 11:06:19 UTC
[Dude, he still doesn't know what the hell you're supposed to be. And he hasn't asked Noel about it either. So that BAMF is just going to send his hand to the handle of his sword, because this is only the second time he's seen it.

But it's this guy. This guy is okay with Noel, right?] Don't do that!


onebluebamf June 29 2011, 11:15:49 UTC
[Eyeing Ragna's sword, Kurt puts his hands up defensively.]

Whoa, easy big guy! I'm harmless, yeah?

[One of these days he'll learn not to do that... anyway, he turns back to Noel.]

Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you.


puppet_paladin June 29 2011, 12:56:50 UTC
[And somewhere outside in the dark, there is a creeper man! One holding an enormous grocery bag, in fact, which means that a)he hasn't seen Noel or Ragna yet b)he could be pretty much anyone! ...Except for the rather distinctive hair. And the fact that he's wearing suspiciously long and dark sleeves, considering the season. Is that a bandage peeking out at his wrist?]


bullet_dance June 29 2011, 19:55:07 UTC

Though she's not sure. Not entirely, with his back turned to them, but seeing another person walk around is enough to make her stop in her tracks in the process, eyes wide with fear. She... has a bad feeling about this.

What does Ragna do? 8|]


black_onslaught June 29 2011, 20:18:42 UTC
[Ragna looks over to Noel, confused. Then will speak towards her, but perhaps a little too loudly for his own good. Oh well.]

What's wrong, Noel?


puppet_paladin June 29 2011, 23:58:06 UTC
[Indeed, that was loud enough to catch Cecil's attention, which would be why his head goes from 'hidden behind the bread' to 'peeking from behind the celery'. Hopefully the fact that he stares for a few seconds before suddenly walking towards them isn't too alarming.

...At least he looks surprised, rather than upset or angry?]


molinet June 29 2011, 13:05:12 UTC
[Guess who else is in Good Spirits in a corner observing them. Jin smirks when Nami gets a direct hit at his brother (was that a coaster?) but for the most part he stays in his corner without a word.

At least he now knows Noel is alive. If he wasn't so preoccupied with that data itself he might have actually flipped his shit over Ragna and Noel being together...

...Well, whatever, not important!! There was plenty of time for that after he dealt with Noel personally.]


bullet_dance June 29 2011, 20:01:25 UTC
[GOOD, MAJOR. You keep being a creeper back there. >:C Noel won't... even notice. She's too busy paying attention to Nami talking and trying to ignore the rest of the world.]


black_onslaught June 29 2011, 20:26:21 UTC
[Guess who else isn't going to notice Jin right now? Yep! Ragna! Which is odd, considering he normally has "OH SHIT JIN" senses of some sort, but not tonight. He's busy being involved in... Nami and Noel shipping talk. Go figure.]


molinet June 29 2011, 22:50:42 UTC
[What. WHAT? What does he have to do to get attention around here? Go over and flip your table? GOD. STEAL YOUR COUCH WHILE YOU AREN'T HOME, RAGNA? WOULD THAT GET YOUR ATTENTION? Noel or the couch, what'll it be?

...Maybe some other time when he feels like actually alerting them to his presence.

Jin'll just... take the opportunity of being able to watch the interaction unnoticed until he can't stomach the idea of Noel and Ragna together anymore (wtf? WTF? He can't handle this, it's like seeing Ragna with Saya all over again, goddammit and you know what happened the last time he saw Ragna with Saya? HE BURNED SHIT.)

So much for him casually observing without flipping out (even if he's still quiet and not moving).

OK ok, he's calm and literally won't make any type of scene. Instead he'll just focus on Nami alone for a few minutes (she looks... familiar) before finally getting up and exiting the bar. He can talk to Nami later, if he's that curious about who she is.]


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