presents and the yummy angie the choice cake.
the birthday boy frantically ripping the wrapping paper.
the birthday boy looking very happy.. umm not really.
the girlfriends<33333!
don't ask.
PE is sexy.
typical toilet-mirror-reflection pic.
typical toilet-mirror-reflection pic part 2.
please mind the stupid faces.
lin. the resident slapstick queen.
this is what we do when we're bored. DONKEY WILL ALWAYS BRIGHTEN UP OUR DAY!
my-darling-veggie-boy and his lover, yogi bear.
eh eh. sempat hindustan seh!
a very excited siti m and diana.
syaheerah the guest of the day. tee hee.
the view from the top. spy spiky durians?
the slapstick couple. funny people indeed.
a truly happy yat!
the girls.
the gang.
the toilet is gorgeous.
ahem. posing sikit. hee.
i'm moving but i'm not telling where unless i love you.
this journal is nothing but a bad memory.
you'll hear from me soon enough.