
May 16, 2020 16:26

( OOC )

Backtagging: YES PLEASE!
Threadhopping: Dis is cool. If it's something ~game changing~ I'd like it if you gave us a little heads up!
Fourthwalling: Prefer not for now. Maybe in the future.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Can't think of anything

( IC )

Hugging this character: Is cool
Kissing this character: Is also cool though he'll probably be confused for awhile
Flirting with this character: Cool, but he's six so he'll most likely be oblivious
Fighting with this character: Sure, but he's basically a pacifist so don't expect a fight back.
Injuring this character: Minor stuff should be fine. If it's anything big, I'd like a heads up, but I doubt I'll say no
Killing this character: UHH... this... is probably fine. I definitely want to plot it out beforehand though.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Talk to me! But yes, he gets his head messed with pretty regularly in canon 8>

And lastly, Tavros is from that one ridiculous canon with the typing quirks, and his is uHH, tHIS COLOR, aLSO, rEVERSED CAPITALS AND A SORT OF, fALTERING PATTERN, so if you want that disabled or if you just don't want him to tag you at all, just let me know!


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