♉6 - video/action for goldenrod

Oct 21, 2011 18:23

[ once again (as usual?), Tavros is in distress. the angle of the video is kind of odd, as if it's being taken from the floor, and... that's because it is. Tavros is on the ground, and the camera is pointing at his wheelchair, which should be empty since he's not in it, but... ]

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time: afternoon, location: goldenrod city

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action hoooooooo! 8etterl8 October 23 2011, 10:12:37 UTC
[So Vriska's strolling along, minding her own business (sorta), thinking about what she might like to have(steal) for lunch. Maybe some of those delicious cookies. Though she'd been told those weren't a meal. Still they were good. And who cared if they weren-- what was Tavros doing on the ground........?

Furthermore, what was on his four-wheel device.]


What is that?


action \o/ bullieve October 23 2011, 20:04:59 UTC
[ oh good. this means the situation is about to get worse, or... no, yeah, it's probably just going to get worse. ]

It's, uhh, a Diglett, I think, because that's what it told me it was.


action 8etterl8 October 23 2011, 20:16:33 UTC
Riiiiiiiight. What it doing on your four-wheel device?

[Obviously that's what she was asking to begin with.]


action bullieve October 23 2011, 20:25:37 UTC
Well, see, what happened was that I was just, uhh, going for a wheel, like you said is a thing that I do, that one time, and then suddenly this dirt beast, the Diglett, it just sort of...

[ gestures aimlessly with his hands ]

...popped up and pushed me out of it, and, onto the ground.


action 8etterl8 October 23 2011, 20:42:16 UTC
[Oh, well, that's not so bad. Kinda funny actually.]

So this Diglett thing just totally upended you out of your seat?

[She's about to laugh in 3...2..]


action bullieve October 23 2011, 20:44:19 UTC

[ |: slowly puts his face down right on the pavement, because he knows what's coming. and maybe it'll be easier to deal with if he doesn't watch her laugh at him. ]


action 8etterl8 October 24 2011, 17:39:01 UTC
[1 and cue laughter.]

Hah! Way to go Digbeast!

[She reaches a hand out to pat it on the head since it lacks hands for high-fiving purposes.]


action bullieve October 25 2011, 05:49:53 UTC
[ Tavros doesn't look up in time to see it, but he sure hears Diglett's verbal response... this is a kid's game! I can't repeat it here! but suffice to say it's quite filthy and Tavros gasps and lifts his head up right as Diglett actually turns and bites Vriska's hand.

who the hell knew Digletts even had mouths? ]

Diglett, no-!


Re: action 8etterl8 October 26 2011, 18:47:39 UTC
Ow! What the fucking hell!?

[She tries to yank her hand back and it comes away bloody. Now it's her turn to be slightly disturbed at the sight of red blood instead of blue. Then she glares at the Diglett.

Prepare yourself Digbeast.]


action bullieve October 28 2011, 04:52:51 UTC
[ wow, yeah, Tavros is quickly becoming traumatized by this entire situation. and kind of reaching out in slow motion because that's all he can do from the ground. ]

Wait, don't hurt it!


action 8etterl8 October 28 2011, 09:38:22 UTC
[Nice try Tavros, but really, not good enough.

She moves to grab the chair and attempts to upend the Diglett.]


action bullieve October 28 2011, 19:57:59 UTC
[ the Diglett holds its ground (heh, get it)! it is also saying variations of its name quite loudly, which to Vriska will sound like DIG DIG DIGLETT DIG LETT LETT DIG but to Tavros sounds more like YOU'RE UGLY AND YOU SMELL YOU BIG FAT HIDEOUS PIECE OF SHIT HUMAN and all he can do about it is put his hands in his face and hope this doesn't get bloodier. ]

Oh noooo.


action 8etterl8 October 30 2011, 17:52:10 UTC
[She's shaking the chair, yelling right back at it. You almost wouldn't know that she couldn't understand the damn thing. Eventually though the chair falls out of her clutches and tumbles upside down. She kicks it for good measure.]


action bullieve October 30 2011, 18:08:14 UTC
[ the Diglett. is still. in the chair. upside down. like it's glued to the thing. sitting completely flipped over on the seat, dirt around it and everything.

Tavros just kind of makes the icon face as he watches all this. ]

How, uhh... how...


action 8etterl8 October 30 2011, 18:16:48 UTC
[Yeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhh. Leaning down to look at the damage she must've done and what........?

Then she's looking at Tavros. This is his fault somehow.]

How the hell is it even doing that!? What is wrong with your dirty dirt thing!


action bullieve October 30 2011, 18:21:39 UTC
It's not my dirty dirt thing, it's just a digbeast that came after me and decided to be, uhh, annoying and illogical around me for no reason!

[ oh good, the lady human is yelling at the nolegs boy human. this is most favorable. Diglett joins in with its typical vulgar commentary and after a moment Tavros' face goes bright red. ]

Annoying and illogical and very impolite!


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