I got Nudged

Jan 21, 2006 12:52

Ok so I am lazy...I mean Lazy
I am here yes and I got nudged...It has been awhile . I used to have something to say everyday on here... Sometimes twice a day. I feel its an effort to come up with something new or original...writers block.
I guess things have changed in my life were I don't feel I need to write in my public livejournal...in the past ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

It's all good nickelpickle75 January 21 2006, 18:11:18 UTC
I ALWAYS read your journal, Eric. And I hope you don't take this wrong, but sometimes I forget how fucking brilliant you are!

Can you e-mail me your phone number and address? I don't have it!


I think the people who REALLY know you definitely know you have a serious side, and the ones that don't will either A. get to know that side or B. are total losers that aren't worth your time anyway. I learned long ago not to worry about if people are seeing the "real me." If they don't get it, they are dense and it's not my problem.

If you read my drivel on here, you will see that it is rarely deep, haha! Sometimes I have moments of pseudo brilliance, but mostly its just keeping you all abreast with the day to day stuff. So...don't feel like you have to write installments of the great american novel on here, ya know?

being poor sucks, I know!

Keep writing, my brotha!



Re: It's all good bullkid January 21 2006, 18:32:04 UTC
word lol will email you now


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Perhaps bullkid January 22 2006, 15:29:02 UTC
yeah its just always bar bar bar here sometimes


m_francais812 January 22 2006, 01:55:12 UTC
Write, write, write. ;)


chelseawalls January 22 2006, 20:03:14 UTC
my mom says hi! My grandma is in awe of this computer stuff and I cannot explain it to her. she can't understand how I can talk to you like this...more later


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