so yea...

Nov 15, 2006 07:36

WHAT THE HELL!!! i found out that i'm working black friday 9-5, i'm going to be working with someone who is the dumbest person on the planet, and someone who isn't completely retarded. the worst part about all that, MY WORK PLACE IS ON ROUTE 2! the worst spot to be on black friday. then on saturday they have me working in the morning AGAIN! i'm not ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

shanana86 November 15 2006, 16:05:08 UTC
Do you mean that you are working with yourself.. wow now


bullmonkey2004 November 15 2006, 17:56:11 UTC
just about. the next thing to make it worse is being on register 2.


mally1016 November 17 2006, 18:24:08 UTC
lmao mur called someone else retarded lmao

And yeah, register 2 blows. I know that and I don't even work there.


bullmonkey2004 November 18 2006, 06:54:07 UTC
if you didn't know how badly it blows, you'd be excluded from any activities with us for 1 day. me and bo rant about it.


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