heres a convo i had with meghan last night. i was on 20mg of ambien, so yea.
Me: lol
Me: go to sleep then
Meghan: I'm going to in like ten minutes
Me: kool
*five minutes later*
Me: i feel pretty
Me: hoso pretty
Me: i fele pretty and wityt and gya
Meghan: ...
Me: and i itty
Me: any gril who sint me toady
Me: i flee stuning
Meghan: Yes.
Me: nad enrtancing
Me: i dont reember the rest
Meghan: lol
Meghan: I think it's time for you to go to bed, dear
Me: noooooooooo
Meghan: You're slurring and you're not even speaking.
Meghan: lol
Me: heeeee
Me: bed bed bed
Me: noooooooo
Me: cnat stop laguhing]
Me: i feel hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihg
Me: weeeeeeeee
Meghan: ...
Meghan: I'm saving this convo and showing you tomorrow, lol
Me: yya!
Me: *yay
Me: everithign is ssoooooo fuunny
Meghan: lol
Me: like my muontian dew
Meghan: lol?
Me: hes a fuuuunny bottle
Meghan: Hoooooookay.
Me: fuuunny buuuunny
Me: i like "Hoo" thing u did
Meghan: lol
Meghan: well, I'm going to bed
Meghan: I suggest you also go to bed
Meghan: lol
Meghan: ttyl
Me: its alll O
Me: lol
Me: im me tommorrow
Meghan: Sure
Me: so we can go over this nights
Meghan: Acid trip?
Me: yea
Meghan: Mkay
Meghan: *pat pat*
Meghan: Seeing any interesting colors?
Me: besides the brown agry bear
Meghan: o_0
Meghan: Er, what?
Meghan: Why do you have an angry bear?
Me: i dont know
Meghan: Ok
Meghan: I guess tomorrow you can tell me what the hell kind of sleeping pills these are
Me: i think i'm having one of thise thi
Meghan: In other news: I think the idea behind sleeping pills is that you take them and then go to sleep
Meghan: Instead of trying to fight them
Me: yea, but i am forfed them
Meghan: Explain it to me in the morning, ok?
Me: yea
Meghan: Ok
Me: morning\
Meghan: See you around
Me: bububb
Me: buh bye
Meghan: Bye
Me: hugs
Meghan: *hug*
Meghan: talk to you tomorrow
Me: the wo
Me: the world needs more hugs
Meghan: It does.
Meghan: That's an excellent philosophy.
Meghan: You should get started on that after you get some sleep.
Meghan: G'night.
Meghan: lol
Me: sweet dreams
Meghan: You too