Mar 08, 2015 17:10



♉ Name:
Tavros Nitram | adiosToreador | Page of Breath
♉ Age:
6 Solar Sweeps (13 Human Years)
♉ Species:
♉ Canon Point:
Before telling his "plan" to Jade and challenging Vriska.
♉ Mayfield Hive:
1670 Nelson Street
♉ Family Members:
England, Sophie, Tiffany





this is a box idk what to put here


You cannot hope to beat Tavros at a fail-off. He is simply the worst there is.

Well now that's out of the way: Tavros is basically the Woobie of the trolls. He's sensitive, kind, and generally a spineless Toreadoormat, which are all pretty crippling (harhar) faults in Troll Society. On a planet where the word for "friend" and "enemy" are exactly the same, Tavros is pretty dysfunctional in that he seems to have the inability to truly have hate: even for the girl who jumped him off a cliff with mind control and caused his paralysis. Despite his generally cheerful attitude, Tavros constantly defines himself by his huge lack of self-esteem. He even types with uMs, aND UHS, aND INVERSE CAPS, often apologizing for things like bEING BORING, (though he does refuse to apologize to Vriska for being a cripple) and completely lacking the confidence to stand up for himself - making him incredibly easy to manipulate and stuck in a world where manipulation and backstabbing is pretty much like saying a friendly hello at the office water tank.

He's very enthusiastic and childish, and like the other trolls has a variety of INTERESTS. He particularly likes fairy tales and particularly a character called Pupa Pan. He even leaves his window open all the time, just in case the fairy troll comes to visit when he's asleep. He has always wanted to be able to fly as well, which has nothing to do with his disability (which mostly just makes him want to be able to walk). He's fond of games, and before his accident he would play FLARP - a form of intense and dangerous roleplaying - with his friends. Despite the options to cheat, get oodles of sweet loot or improve his levels rapidly, he prefers to just have fun and enjoy the adventure - this being attitude that gets him into his current disabled state. He's also fond of a game involving powerful wildlife warriors and balls and cards and wow this isn't familiar at all, and likes to think of the beasts he's communed with as his friends - perhaps because animals are easier for him to relate to than his more bloodthirsty counterparts. He's pretty attached to his Lusus - or guardian - a tiny bull with wings called Tinkerbull, and seems to miss him badly following his untimely death - even after they enter the Veil, he has a plush of Tinkerbull he adores. Which is kind of weird for a 13 year old boy, BUT I THINK WE'VE ESTABLISHED TAVROS IS WEIRD.

Because of his nature, it takes alot to make Tavros even distrust someone - let alone dislike them. He tends to take everything his friends say at face-value, even listening to meddling meddlesome Kanaya, who suggests to him that he name his self-confidence and imagine it as a person, so he can't let anyone hurt its feelings. His name is Rufio, and as he is a fakey fakey fake, Tavros continues to be sad and alone. When he's forced to partner up with Vriska - who was the one who attempted to murder him by making him jump off a cliff - he even goes along with her plans, despite her constant torments - such as communing with the enemies of his land and skipping ahead to the gates instead of solving all of the puzzles. When she tries to seduce him for weird reasons of her own, the only reaction he can muster is to ask Karkat for his advice and lay there. Though probably this is because he is paralyzed, and therefore can't exactly run away. He's also a huge failure of a troll - he attempts to troll Dave and ends up being trolled by Dave and blocking him. That said, he does have friends, it seems before her death he got along pretty well with Aradia, and is good bros with Gamzee, with whom he creates some of the worst raps known to the multiverse.

One of his biggest faults is his his cowardice. When Vriska is nearly killed by Aradia, she asks him to kill her on her quest bed so she can rise to the God Tiers. Tavros is unable to do it, running away in tears and leaving her to bleed to death - and spends most of the remaining time of their "Session" hiding from his trauma in his dreams. As a Prospit dreamer he appears on the yellow moon, and is able to fly and generally be far happier than he is in the real world and awake - instead of facing his fears and problems, he prefers to run-- er, roll to this safe place. It's here he first meets the human girl Jade, and they find they have a lot in common. After Events, he even gets lucky enough to have his old useless legs sawed off and replaced with robotic parts - immediately following this, he determines that Confidence is a Good Pair of Legs, and talks to Jade a lot about his New Found Self-Esteem (which seems to annoy her, mostly) and he even gets the courage to confess to her about his Red Feelings for her (and apparently to being suffering from a bit of Nice Guy Syndrome tavros why don't go there) and is shot down pretty promptly. His new found bravado also inspires his final act - to stand up to Vriska and her wrongdoings. Which ends up getting him skewered whoops.



credit to splott at rp_tutorials

*ooc, *info post

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