Title: Do it for me
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Characters: Kain, Cecil
Word Count: 159
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
7lies Do it for me
“It’s not just my child,” Cecil said. “It’s Rosa’s too. If you couldn’t come for me, couldn’t you at least do it for her?”
Kain’s back was still towards him and there was no reply. Cecil sighed, around them were rocks, a few stray bushes and from below came the roaring of monsters. How terrible must he find being amongst people to want to live here?
“What would it take, Kain? Shall we name it after you, perhaps? Would that make you come down for an hour or two?”
Finally, Kain turned around. “Just tell her that I’m sorry.”
Another silence. Cecil looked at the floor and then said: “It’s not just Rosa’s child. It’s mine too. Does that mean anything to you?”
Kain’s lips parted and then closed again.
Cecil threw him a humourless smile. “I get it… I’ll tell her.”
With this he turned around, started descending Mount Ordeals, leaving Kain with the rocks, bushes and monsters.