Typical Singaporean. Isn't life sad when you're a Singaporean. A statement, not a question.
Some individuals like the student mentioned in the article truly have a
knack for being the unusual one in the lot of unusuals. I don't suppose
I'm making alot of sense but they really disgust me. You could say they
are the dullest among the dull box of crayons. Don't they have better
things to do than to submit themselves to such stupidity? Stupidity
like taking part in competitions in high speed text messaging. Smashing sensational! Not.
Moving on, Harry Potter's latest edition is named Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.Very appealing. I'm not much of a Rowling fan but you could say that her books are worth a read. Not as much as books authored by Dan Brown
and Michael Crichton, but still worth a look. I haven't got much of a
chance to visit the bookstore or the library ever since school started,
but I suppose I'll be making a trip to the book rental store soon,probably during the weekend. I need something for light reading,something before I go to bed. Then again, I think my Physics textbook has already taken care of that.
I seem to have lost the inertia to mug for the upcoming tests. Mug as
in study. Singaporean lingo. Can you believe I already sat for 2 tests;
one yesterday and the other, today? And school has only reopened for 3
days! This has definitely dampened my spirits of starting school and
mugging till my grades satisfy. Ugh.
I just reread this whole entry, and I'm having a bad hunch that I'm not
making any darned sense of what my fingers are typing. Sigh. And I
practically told you everything on my mind since I came home from
school. Very detrimental.