Whew, I like days off!
While I am not personally contemplating any new commitments, if anybody stopping by this blog should have some commitment issues (not thinking of anyone in particular), consider what I found on the side of my Starbucks Cup the other day:
The Way I See It/Selon moi #76
"The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life."
« L'ironie de l'engagement - dans son travail, ses loisirs, sa vie amoureuse - c'est qu'il a un profond effet libérateur. L'action de s'engager libère de la tyrannie de la critique interne, de la peur qui aime se déguiser et se pavaner sous forme d'hésitation rationnelle. S'engager, c'est vivre pleinement sa vie sans la barrière de l'esprit. »
-- Anne Morris (random Starbucks customer)
Now for random whatever.
I don't feel as though there is much about which to write. I have been getting 40h or more at work, which is very good. This week and the next, I'm in Tool Rental a whole lot (all but one or two shifts both weeks) and I LOVE it. Lots to know, but if you relax and let your mind do its thing, usually you come up with the right tool for the job. That being said, in two weeks, I have but one Tool Rental shift. I think I'm going to be back on lot because more people have quit. If so, I'm going to be rather frustrated. "Thanks for your loyalty. Stay right where you are." It doesn't make a lick of difference financially, really, because, to my great dismay, all the extra knowledge and care that must be held and taken, respectively, still earn me the same $8.75/h. When I was hired, there was no question that someone hired for Tool Rental would have been started at higher than 8/h. But now, at least, it's not necessarily so, says my HRM. I don't know if he speaks truth or bullshit, but either way... Tool Rental requires a lot more expertise than Lot. Lot: walk, lift, push, sweep, sweat, curse. Tool Rental: Know (!!!), listen, consider, recommend, sell related merchandise, know the computer system, create & explain contract, try to sell people on the 10% damage wager - even for simple hand tools, help load & unload tools, close contract, accept payment (involving cash training), test/inspect/clean/refill/retag/reshelve tools.
The only drawback, with heavy work schedule, house chores, no car, and busy friends, is that I don't seem to have much of a life outside of work. C'est la vie. For now, I don't mind much. In July, I may be singing a different tune, but then I'll get a whole 26 cents more per hour. Yay. Plus, no vehicle (therefore no fuel, maintenance, and insurance costs) and less spending = more saving. I like saving, but I shall be doing some buying, because, as I almost forgot to mention:
I just wish it wouldn't cost nearly $2000 after a memory upgrade and Applecare, but... I know I'll love it to pieces. Must... escape... Microsoft!
Anyway, enough blab-- er, blogging!
I gotta play some video games!