Okay I have been thinking I need to put together a nagging/fics in progress type of post for a while now - but that means I have to get my sorry butt somewhat organized and as Karie mocked me "Heaven Forbid!"
But I am going to valiantly attempt to get this done. :D
I have restructured this post - removed the old and the really not likely while putting up some more of the more relevant stuff. What would be really helpful to me as a writer would be if people would comment and let me know which would be the ones people would like to see completed (or even light of day) the most.
[Matt 6](BB/DC Comics]: My Batman Beyond Futures AU that centers around Matt McGinnis collides with the 20th century version of Comics!Tim.
[Untitled Robin](X-Men/DC Comics): Tesseracts, crossing dimensional walls, a battle with unscrupulous foes, and then a daring rescue all conspire to put Batman's third Robin into attendance at a very unique school.
[Untitled Sime/Gen meld with TS]: Novels by Jacqueline Lichtenburg and Jean Lorrah of a post-apocalyptic world where humans have split into energy-makers and energy-users, they have to become co-operatively symbiotic in order to live. But of course things aren't that easy...
[Untitled AU](TS/M7): Huge, massive, AU... take to long to tell about it other than, it's raging with cliches and mystical stuff and in some ways very sci-fi.
[Chaos and Change](HP/BtVS): Really don't like the tentative title there, but it's basically about Xander and Harry being soul bonded due to machinations of Janus and the Hellmouth and the fallout from the bond.
Gambler'verse (M7/HL):
Learning to Play it Right: Chris' mom, and the who, what, why and where of her immortality. (Would span OW - post series - to present.)
[untitled]: Nathan's reaction to Ezra's information dump in 'Know When to Run' - his medical focus is applied.
(plus of course I will take other suggestions under consideration if they spark my muse.)
The Sentinel
Hidden Wolf 4: [no firm subtitle yet] - The final in the series, explaining where Blair's classified experience is from (plus some of the other things he can do) and why a genius was still trying for his PhD when he was done all the other stuff much earlier.
[The Wolf]: People are always saying it’s a good thing that Blair is on the side of the Angels, but what if that wasn’t totally the case? (This would actually be a series of shorts again. It would cover many time frames and have a lot of AU situations)
being written with Karie
New World Renaissance - another step to the left AU, but this is more of a huge jump to the left than a measly step. This one is a modern utopia/distopia setting, due to radical shifting in world thinking in response to a major historical event that was drastically altered.
Various TV and Movie adaptions:
Shawshank (M7 meld with movie): Putting the guys into key positions in the movie and altering the script and storyline just enough to accommodate things.
Mr Ellison and Mr Sandburg AKA Mr and Mr Smith: Come on, can't you see it?
Be'Shaman'ed AKA Be'Witch'ed: Dunno if it's twisted or just odd, but no matter what it's a lotta fun. *g*
[OW Mini Ez]: An age regression fic. Six of the seven are not understanding their seventh... perhaps they need to have their eyes opened with the past to truly understand the present.
[Xander's Deal] - very strange idea, don't know if I will ever finish it. Involves a succubae, magic, a bargain struck - then re-struck, and a very long night.
[Thunk it: 3] - little bit of silliness with Xander and Spike as a couple and trouble on the Hellmouth, pure fluff.
Harry Potter
Ying Yang: When you can see what you are doing it's easier to keep your balance - no matter where you might tread.
Okay... looking over my list, I have to notice there is a definite trend there. I seem to have something against titling things before they are done, odd. Oh well :D
::edited Dec 29/09:
~pobody's Nerfect