Title: In the End
Genre: Angst
Pairing: OnKey (broken), Onhyun
Rating: PG
Summary: In the end it's all the same
A/N: I've been so sad from writting angsty drabbles. I need FLUFF! this drabble i from key's P.O.V.
When you tell me that you love me I always hope that it is the same way I felt about you.
You make me believe that I had a chance to be with you.
But everytime I turn around I see you with him
How I felt at that time can not be described. How can I trust you when I only see you with him.
You love him so much yet you deny it and tell me that I must be crazy cause I'm only your's and no one else can have me.
Hugging and kissing like it isn't a big deal, whispering words of love and dreams. I know they're lies.
Everything is. Everything is a game to you. Nothing more than that.
To your eyes I'm your little toy that you have the key to open up the heart. To play with everyday while pretending it wasn't nothing.
I'm a puppet on a string dangling for your love but never getting it in return. Controlling me cause I dont say a word. Everything....
To me you are my world, to you he is your world while I sit in the coner of your heart waiting to come out when needed.
So why can't I be like him? Oh, I know I'm your puppet , nothing more....