Title: untitled (costume changes)
attilatehbunFandom: Young Avengers
Pairing/Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 290
Prompt: 3 Sentence Fic: Future!Billy/Teddy, Cape
It takes a long time for Billy to let go of his old costume - after all, magic makes for an easy fix for the standard rips, tears, and stains that are part of the reality of his time-stream jumping life (and besides which, he really really loves his cape, okay, stop laughing, Teddy, and he really doesn't want to let it go) - but one morning he wakes up and he realizes that he is a twenty-seven year old man wearing the costume of a teenage, and oh my god he looks ridiculous, and he's never really had the body for spandex anyway.
When he tells all this to Teddy, rushed and sarcastic as per usual, Teddy rolls his eyes and kisses Billy's shoulder like he's saying it took you long enough and I love you and your stupid neuroses anyway (Teddy's costume has been in flux for years and Billy really should have figured this out by now), and then he actually says "So fix it already," like it's just that simple when they're fighting deathbots and slime monsters at every turn, and maybe it is.
Of course, when Billy finally settles on something (and is already starting to get attached to his new cape, thank you very much) and he brings it out for the first time, Teddy just stares and stares and stares, and Billy's skin is starting to go hot and prickly and oh god maybe this was a terrible idea but he really does like the new cape, dammit, when Teddy finally speaks, biting back a smile and saying, "Just promise you aren't going to grow a ridiculous mustache, okay?", which might make Billy throw the bundle of his old costume at him, but he'll take it.
Title: untitled (chocolate bunnies)
attilatehbunFandom: Young Avengers
Pairing/Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman
Rating: PG
Word Count: 298
Prompt: 3 Sentence Fic: Billy, Teddy, Chocolate bunnies
Teddy, apparently, goes a little bit nuts around Easter, like, buying chocolate bunnies at every shop he can find and then dragging Billy to shops he's only ever heard rumors about kind of nuts, and okay, Billy might enjoy the occasional day-after-Easter candy sale (because Jewish is Jewish, but Cadbury Creme Eggs are Cadbury Creme Eggs), but this is just ridiculous.
Finally, when Teddy's amassed enough bunnies to populate a not-so-small warren, and Billy's starting to get a little freaked out by all their beady, foil-wrapped eyes staring at him when he and Teddy get, you know, down to business, he can't take it anymore and interrupts Teddy sucking on his collarbone to say, "Okay, dude, you have to explain to me the bunnies, because I do not get it, and also, are you ever going to actually eat any of them?"
Teddy goes still, and presses his face into Billy's neck, and is quiet enough for long enough that Billy brings his hand up to brush over Teddy's hair, um, forget I said anything? on his lips, when Teddy takes a shuddering breath and says, "Um, my mom-- when I was a kid, my mom used to get me these specific bunnies and say they were from my dad, and I mean obviously I figured out that they weren't, and she knew that I knew, but she'd still get one every year, but apparently she got them from some special store and I can't find it and now she's gone so I can't ask her and-- and--" and his voice breaks on it, he's shaking, so what can Billy do but roll them over enough that Teddy can bury his face in Billy's chest, and Billy can whisper into his hair, "I'll help you find them, anywhere, I promise."
Title: untitled (costume party)
attilatehbunFandom: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pairing/Characters: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash
Rating: G
Word Count: 251
Prompt: 3 Sentence Fic: Pinkie Pie + or / Rainbow Dash: I'll get you my pretty!
"Don't be such a grumpy goose, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie says, plunking her face down in a bowl of green paint as she speaks, the words coming out muffled and gloopy, "that would just be silly - I mean, geese always seems so happy, and you're supposed to be a monkey anyway, not a goose - this is going to be the greatest party in Ponyville, well, the best since the last party I threw which was just great, but this one's going to be even better because, costumes! Costumes, Dashie, how can you hate costumes, everyone loves costummmphf."
Rainbow Dash cuts off Pinkie's rambling with the usual hoof-to-the-mouth technique, rolling her eyes and saying, "I don't hate costumes, Pinkie Pie, I just don't get what's so cool about a flying monkey costume. I should really be in something way more awesome than this."
"Oh no, Dashie," Pinkie gasps, "flying monkeys are simply the coolest,"
(Rainbow Dash tosses her head)
(Rainbow Dash stands a little taller)
"most awesome of all, so obviously that had to be your costume, you couldn't be anyone else - well, maybe you could but it wouldn't be nearly as fun I don't think, especially since you can already fly - and now this way we can match which will make both costumes better, at least, once I get my hat on we'll match, but first I have to practice my voice to make sure it's scary enough. Now, how does this sound: I'll get you, my pretty, and your little Fluttershy too!"