Because I think knowing who people are is a spiffy idea. Just a thought.
Feel free to comment with a little introduction. I promise not to bite. (:
At the moment I am delaying actually finishing a Genetics lab write-up in favor of this post. I am going to fail school. (:
I entered CCS fandom two summers ago, writing Fujitaka/Nadeshiko fanfiction (which I still do, on occassion), and eventually drifted into Touya/Yukito. They are my primary love (note: not my first love. My first love is still Rurouni Kenshin. I am such a sucker for swords), and I adore them to pieces.
Why do I love them so much?
It's fluffy. It's fluffy but not trivial, subtle and yet terribly obvious, and both characters are unique and elegant, much more finely crafted, I think, than most of the characters in CCS (who, in my opinion, tend to be flat). They complement each other well, are mature enough to accept realities of personality and person, and confident enough to know exactly what they are doing. This isn't a mistake or a fling or a "just high school" relationship--this is something much deeper and more meaningful.
You can read a longer (and much better) essay by
aishuu here.
I can't speak much about TRC, but yes, I do own the wall calendar, and yes, it is permanently pinned to the Touya/Yukito spread. Plus it's the spread for my birthday month. Which basically made me die of delight. And yes, I do sort of squee every time they pop up again.
As of now I dabble in other fandoms (Ouran and Saiyuki primarily, very rarely Kenshin and PoT) while trying to drag my school load along behind me. I'm a very limited writer, in that I only write what I like and what I know I can write. I'm willing to try other things, but usually that's by request. I RP over at
ccs_halfmagic, and everyone over there is love.
Feel free to ask me any questions!
And now... to finish the Drosophila lab...