Apr 17, 2009 00:39
In about 8 hours the boys and I will be heading out to Orlando. Craig and I are taking some stuff up there, as we're staying the weekend at our future roommate's apartment. I <3 Mikey! So yeah... We'll be gone all weekend.
Apr 13, 2009 21:43
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I'll be moving to Orlando with Craig instead of Fort Myers. I wish that we could have moved in with Kris, but moving in with Mikey is a better plan. I'm hoping this will be best, and will get me out of my depression.
real life
Apr 09, 2009 05:42
Ok, so I'm bored, and I lost my previous journal's password and reset info. So here I am. I doubt I'll use this, but I might post LARP character stuff one in a while.