Title: Sacrifices
Fandom: Sailor Moon/Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/Character: Sephiroth/Sailor Saturn, references to past Tifa/Sephiroth/Sailor Saturn/Aeris
Rating: NC-17 for smut, non-idealized aftermath of an OT4
Summary: Hotaru is hurt and upset in the aftermath of
a night with Tifa and Aeris; will Sephiroth be able to make up for his mistake? (
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Comments 20
I love how I make these pathetic little pr0n ficlets, and you respond with character-developing, complex, insanely well-written fics. It's like I'm giving you fast food, and you respond with a full steak dinner. I feel like I'm kind of ripping you off.
That said, I've now been plotbunnied by you, so I don't think this particular fic saga is quite over yet (though regrettably, my bunny is pr0nless. Curses!) I'll make sure to let you see it when it's done, but here's a hint. Sephiroth's not the only one who owes Hotaru an apology after this whole incident.
And please don't think that your fics aren't as good or anything! For one thing, PWP is awesome, and I felt so bad that I took your lovely little smutty romp and turned it into SRZ BUSINESS. XD Secondly, I think you do do a good job of keeping everyone in character. You evoke their relationship really well. I LOVE the fic where you first had Sephiroth say he loved Hotaru; what was perfect. ^^
I am now really eager to see what sort of plotbunny you've been plotbunnied with! I was thinking a little meeting with Aeris would be interesting at this point in time, perhaps you had the same idea? I can't wait to see it. And thanks so much for your wonderful praise. ^^
You'll be pleased to hear that the first two prompts (the second one specifically) have definitely lit a spark of inspiration, albeit for fluff more than porn. I've got an idea for something set in your verse, at a b-day party for Chibi Usa... I think it'll jive. ^_^ Not sure when it will get written exactly, but know that the spark has been lit. The third prompt... hmm, I might be able to come up with something. However, I got a burst of inspiration for some new Seph/Hotaru porn the other day, so that might get written first. We shall see! :-)
Fandom has forever ruined that phrase for me.
Actually, I even MSTed it once (horrible MSTing, full of self insertions and random canon characters and Hotaru/Sephiroth being all indignant), and even in MSTed format, it was awful.
Though frankly, after having my brain broken with 10 years of fandom, it would probably seem tame by this point. I mean, yesterday I stumbled across a Tauren/Gnome smutfic. And rapefic at that. My brain made a quick escape from my body and ran fleeing into the Hinterlands, screaming all the way. After that, what's a little double fist, double foot between friends?
... no, no, that scene is still totally brainbreaking. DX
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