Perhaps it would help if you let them know what you'd be spending the money on? Some folks have the feeling that if they're told to give cash gifts they're paying for the wedding (the event to which they've been invited), but if for example you'd like the cash to go toward something you need like the down payment on a house or to start your business or even a college fund for Eden, something along those lines, they'd be more willing to give a cash gift without get a sour taste in their mouths. Give them a why.
Of course you could always do what other folks do and simply return the items you registered for and pocket the cash then but it seems like WAY too much run around.
Ya, and I've been told that now as well too that the rude thing is to expect a gift. Aarons kinda frustrated too because his dad told him that offerred to help financially and then backed out of it because he funded a trip to scotland for his stepsister :/
I could see how a person would prefer cash, easily. There's only so much tangible stuff you can have, and how many toasters or blenders are you going to need? I completely understand your wishes. It's too bad that people consider such a request rude. What do they think you're going to do? Buy a bunch of meth? I know from my own post-wedding shopping experiences with friends that you basically get your kitchen and bathroom 110% filled via registered items. Cash would be so nice! Good luck with everything, and Congratulations!
Comments 4
Of course you could always do what other folks do and simply return the items you registered for and pocket the cash then but it seems like WAY too much run around.
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