Title: Starsky & Hutch Never Had to Deal With Water Retention
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Heavy R - for language and situations
Type: (slash, gen, het) slash
Word Count: 19,300
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Bobby/Sheriff Mills
Summary: Post series AU-ish, A powerful old witch casts a spell to create a child of heaven and hell. It takes Dean a couple weeks to figure out just exactly what she meant by that, and by then he's got to deal with morning sickness, convincing Sam and Bobby that he's actually 'in the family way' ... and telling his own brother that he's the baby daddy. Then it's nine months of Bobby becoming a mother hen, Sam going all Alpha-male crazy ... and, oh yeah, dealing with a pregnancy that might actually kill him.
Warnings: In case you didn't follow this here from the
mpregbb MPREG!! MALE PREGNANCY!! BEWARE! Unless you LIKE that trope... then WELCOME!!! 8D Lots of cursing, a wee bit gory at points, creepy old women, possible spoilers up through Season 7, Wincesty-ness
sontenLink to Master Art Post:
http://sonten.livejournal.com/3924.html ONE,
SIX NOTES: This was my submission for the very first
mpregbb. I had a BALL writing it! (I've always been a closeted fan of mpreg... but ... guess not so closeted anymore, eh?) HUGE thanks to
phantisma for putting on the bang. And to
sonten for choosing my story to claim for art. <3 <3 <3!!! And BIG THANKS to
bloodyeccentrik for the wonderful Beta job!! <3!