OKAY FIRST OFF I MUST INTRODUCE YOU TO MY NEW THUMPER PAJAMAS (er, did i spell that right? it looks weird.)!!!!!!!
ISN'T HE ADORABLE!!!!!! i didn't feel like putting it on and taking a picture of myself because a)i was too lazy and b)i'm a fail at taking pictures of myself without someone there to help me. I WAS SPAZZING OVER THE SHIRT THE WHOLE DAY!!!!
speaking of spazzing over things,
GREEN DAY'S NEW ALBUM COMES OUT ON MAY 15TH!!!!! I AM SOOO EXCITED!!! AND MARCIA AND I ARE GONNA HAVE A FANTASTICAL CELEBRATION SLEEPOVER FOR TWO NIGHTS BECAUSE THEY WILL BE ON SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE THE NIGHT AFTER THEIR ALBUM COMES OUT!!!!! I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!! I PRACTICALLY JUMP OFF THE WALLS EVERYTIME I THINK OF GREEN DAY BEING ON SNL AGAIN!!!! and we are gonna get this amazing shirt that has the bands pictures on it and billie joe's face is right in the middle, which would land on one's stomach; so along with this thumper shirt that i can spazz over at night, i will have a green day shirt that i can spazz over during the day wherever i go!! YAAY!!
onwards to my parakeets!
alright, i dunno if the eggs will actually hatch, because the one egg that was supposed to hatch around 3 days ago didn't. so now i'm sad. well maybe next year! <--being positive! ;)
okay, i am in serious need of someone slapping me.
i've been attempting to write this smut fic for my friend who randomly came up to me at school and asked me to write him a smut Heechul/Leeteuk fic. i've written part of it, and i know i can write the rest but its taking me forever! its been 3 weeks since he's asked me!! i keep getting distracted! either someone chats me while i'm writing so i go off to chat with the person or i become all ADD. for example: my desk is right in front of a window, so i'm typing away and i look up and see a squirrel outside. i start spazzing over how adorable the squirrel is and then i remember that i need to check this person's posts to see if she updated one of her chaptered fics with junsu in it (adorable squirrel triggers adorable junsu.) then i find that she has, so i read it, comment and then i start to randomly go about my flist checking all those updates, which then leads to another series of events which leads to something else. by the time i'm finished, there isn't enough time for my to get back to writing because i'm either hungry, sleepy, or i have to leave for "family time". so its taking a long time. too long in fact and therefore i need a slap in the face and someone to tell me to get back to work.
i need new icons...i have a whole bunch saved on my computer, i just need to put them in. *sigh* why am i so lazy/forgetful?!
i think i should really start to make a goals list. like goals for the week and stuff.
question/opinion: how do you keep track of the things you need to do?/how do you stay organized?
THE SWINE FLU!!!!!! I FEEL EXTREMELY PARANOID!!!! i freak out whenever someone starts to cough at school.
i have found my dad's weakness! the one thing that he is truly afraid of!! mwahahahahaha! from now on everytime he makes those weird gurgling Grudge noises(that is my weakness. its scares the crap outta me.) i shall turn on The Exorcist song that they play in the movie!!! yeesss!!! mwahaha! *evil smirk*
Photo Meme thingy that i've been wanting to do
Make me take pictures! Ask me to take a picture of whatever you want, from my favorite spot in the house, the mug I usually drink my tea from, to how I spent my day. You can ask me to photograph as many things you want, the more the better.
and voila!