Hi all -
I'm sorry to interrupt the wonderful cute, happy posts that are being posted, but I'd like to know if anyone has had any experience with what me and Rocket are going through.
Rocket is approximately 8 years old and has never had any health problems in his years. Last night, while I was at work, my mom witnessed him having 'a seizure'. He would flop on his side suddenly and struggle to get back up on his feet, seemingly throwing himself about his cage. When I got the phone call it was 10pm (I work in a kitchen at a restaurant) and got home as soon as I could. When I got into his room, he was just as normal as he always is, and hopped out of his litter box when I sat down in front of the cage to give him a look. As he did so, it looked like his legs gave out and he rolled on to his side, then instantly got back up like nothing had happened. This is NOT usual behavior for my little guy. I immediately brought him to the ER vet to have a look at him.
The vet gave him a clean bill of health - ears, nose, breathing and heart rate were all fine - he's eating and pooping just fine, is alert and active, and not in any apparent pain. Then all of a sudden he'll have this spasm and then be back on his feet in a manner of seconds. They kept him overnight, observed quite a few episodes, but no major change in him at all.
She does say there is a distant possibility of two things: E cuniculi or an ear infection, but she very much doubts that as there are no other symptoms whatsoever. She's thinking given his age, it's more likely a brain tumor that is causing something neurological to do this.
Has anyone else EVER had this happen? I'd like to know what to expect, what to look for as far as signs of it getting worse, or getting better. Rocket and I have had a wonderful life together and I'm happy I've been able to give him an awesome bunny life, but I understand that this might be his time to go. The only thing I want to make sure of is that he's not in any pain and is comfy.
Any and all info is welcome. I've been over most of the basics (that I can think of) with the vet - I've been a bunny owner for about ten years now and have seen my share of sick bunnies and healthy ones and have gone through quite a lot with all my wonderful buns. I'm just looking for info about brain tumors or any ideas if this could be something else.
going to try and embed some video i took of one of his episodes: my apologies if it doesn't work at first:
the spasm is at about 1:35
I had just stopped recording to quickly upload the video to my laptop when he started again, I pushed play as soon as I could do catch the end of his episode. Please note that the video might be a little rough for sensitive bunny owners to watch - again, he is in no apparent pain afterwards - I'm posting this in case it helps anyone else identify what is going on so that I can help Rocket be better and happy.