The live-action “Detective Conan” television series is returning with a special episode this spring.Mizobata Junpei (22) will reprise his role as the protagonist Kudo Shinichi, and Kutsuna Shiori (19) will also return as Mori Ran.
The new special is titled “Kudo Shinichi: Kyoto Shinsengumi Satsujin Jiken.” The story revolves around two locked room mysteries, one taking place in an airplane and the other on the set of a movie.
Matsuzaka Tori, Okamoto Rei, Usuda Asami, Sato Aiko, Nakamura Shunsuke, Kojima Kazuya, Itoda Jun, and Dante Carver will also appear in the drama.
NTV will broadcast the special on April 12.
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