So does anyone happen to know a good kinda cheap place to live....I just got the news... something about having till the 1st of sept... And looking for a place would be in my best interest.... Or does any one have a couch that might be open to me for a bit?
I've been having a VERY hard time dealing with life lately. So I would like to ask you all one question. Honestly, when you look at me who/what do you see?
Well life is good! It's friday. I'm going to disneyland this weekend. I was just given a cell phone, and to top off a good week I found out about 3 minutes ago that I got the job at Tivo. Yay! Monday I can give my two weeks notice.
If you want my new cell number post here with your email addie or some way to get a hold of you.
Wow, This is the first weekend I've spent at my house since....I can't remember when. And there is NOTHING to do..... I'm gonna go watch a nother movie.
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you.