going to the albany tourney tomorrow with shay, dink and dre...woohoo fun stuff. should be good, its going to be good to see everyone there. maybe i can find some chick there to bring home...lol
My life sux you knw why, because i could have been married and probably happy if it worked out, but it seems i cant get anyone girl to go out with me. I was probably better off married and living in pa away from people maybe i wont be so lonely.
we went to jen's house yesterday, had fun. made fun of justin and his butt buddies. but anyway, on the way to jens, we passed this exit called tinkers tavern rd. well anyway right as you get off the exit, is a grave yard. so shay and i renamed it, it will forever be known as the graveyard exit!
i had waffles for dinner and guess what im having for the next week or so for breakfast and dinner?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,waffles! yay woohoo....im special!
going to go get turtle food for my turtle then going to get the car washed and then getting bread for the house, and then going to get some cloves and camels! yay /salute tz
emo update.......quoted from vince. buff was awesome hung out with the boysn black, and dink and dave. ate some good japanesee food.
filling the gas take 32.50 eat breakfast at dunkin donuts 4.99 eat lunch at the mall 9.57 blowing up beach balls and toy with your close friends then beating anyone you see priceless