Mar 20, 2023 12:00
- Sun, 16:26: Making plans on buying a sheet cake, for reasons....
- Sun, 22:20: My cat sat on me. I am worthy, for Meowjlnir has chosen. It also means I can't move.
- Mon, 10:30: Saw a preview of the new Dungeons and Dragons movie. It’s a love letter to those who love D&D. It’s full of hat tips to both the source material, and if you look closely
( Read more... )
Mar 18, 2023 12:00
- Sat, 10:45: I miss cars with large trunk space. I was able to easily store three bodies with room to spare.
Mar 14, 2023 14:55
- Tue, 13:13: Thankfully, our house batteries are keeping the lights on while @ oncor has dropped our connection to the electric grid at least 2 times TODAY!
Mar 12, 2023 14:21
- Sun, 09:17: Q: How hard is it to make a video game? A: Super easy, barely an inconvenience, if you want to make a game that barely passes for a game.